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Humidity - increased humidity decreases transpiration, as the air is already saturated with water, and so the water potential gradient is smaller, and so less water is lost by transpiration.

Temperature - increased temperature increases transpiration as the water has a greater kinetic energy and so there is more evaporation of water.

Wind/air movement - in still air, a shell of highly saturated air surrounds the air, decreasing the water potential gradient and decreasing transpiration rate, but wind destroys this shell of saturated air so there is a bigger water potential gradient, amd more transpiration.

Light intensity - light is needed for the stomata to open - they do not open at night time (unless the plants are xeromorphically adapted desert plants or plants living in other harsh environments such as salt marshes).

Internal factors that affect transpiration are the number of stomata, leaf area, the cuticle (thick waxy cuticles prevent water loss, whilst thinner and less waxy cuticles allow more water to be lost. Distribution of stomata also affects transpiration - most plants have most of the stomata on the lower surface of the leaf where the stomata are less exposed to environmental conditions.

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15y ago
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3w ago

Factors that affect the rate of transpiration include humidity (higher humidity decreases transpiration), temperature (higher temperatures increase transpiration), wind (increases transpiration by removing water vapor around the leaf), light intensity (increases transpiration by stimulating the opening of stomata), and plant surface area (larger surface area increases transpiration).

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12y ago

Transpiration rate has been shown to be affected by a range of external factors: Light, Temperature, Humidity, Wind and Soil Water. Stomata usually open in the light and close in the dark, which means light is necessary as open stomata are necessary for gas exchange and result in the escape of water vapour from the plant.

An increase in temperature increases the rate of transpiration which causes the guard cells to become straighter. If this happens, CO2 supply is restricted to what is produced by respiration and therefore there is no growth.

A humidity increase causes a decrease in transpiration and this is due to a decreased diffusion gradient between the intercellular spaces and the atmosphere, which reduces evaporation.

Wind increases transpiration by the removal of water vapour around the stomatal pore and if the supply of soil water is reduced, uptake decreases and the transpiration rate falls as a result

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12y ago

factors affecting transpiration are given below..




air circulation (wind)

soil moisture( water)

carbon dioxide concentration

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8y ago

Light, temperature, humidity, wind, soil water

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12y ago

Light, temperature, humidity, wind, soil's water volume

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14y ago

temperature, humidity, wind speed, light intensity, and water supply

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Q: What factors effect the rate of transpiration?
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How does a type of plant affect transpiration?

Plants with different leaf structures, such as size, shape, thickness, and presence of stomata, can affect transpiration rates. For example, plants with larger leaves tend to transpire more because they have a larger surface area for water loss. Additionally, plants adapted to hot/dry environments may have reduced leaf size or specialized mechanisms to limit water loss through transpiration.

What increase the rate of transpiration in a plant?

The rate of transpiration depends on some environmental factors such asTemperature and windWhen the temperature is high rate of evaporation increases as warm air can hold more water vapours than the cold air. Windy condition also increase the rate of transpiration as wind remove water vapours from around the leaf. HumidityWhen there is more humidity in air, transpiration would be considerably low as the air is already saturated with water vapours and it will be unable to absorb more water so little water will diffuse out of the leaves. LightLight greatly influences the opening and closing of stomata. During day light the stomata remain open and allow water vapours from the leaves to diffuse into the atmosphere. Atmospheric pressureReduction in the atmospheric pressure enhances the rate of transpiration.

Why is the rate of transpiration is not the same all time?

Because sometimes you walk fast and sometimes you walk slowly.

How does pH affect the rate of transpiration of a plant and why?

pH can affect the rate of transpiration in plants by influencing the opening and closing of stomata. Stomata open in response to higher pH (lower acidity) to facilitate gas exchange and transpiration, while closed stomata reduce transpiration. Extreme pH levels can disrupt the balance and lead to either excessive water loss or reduced transpiration, affecting the plant's overall health and growth.

Why calculate leaf surface area with transpiration?

Calculating leaf surface area helps estimate the total surface available for transpiration. Transpiration is the process where water is evaporated from the surface of the leaf into the atmosphere, which is important for plant cooling and nutrient uptake. By knowing the leaf surface area, we can better understand the potential transpiration rate and overall water requirements of the plant.

Related questions

How does a type of plant affect transpiration?

Plants with different leaf structures, such as size, shape, thickness, and presence of stomata, can affect transpiration rates. For example, plants with larger leaves tend to transpire more because they have a larger surface area for water loss. Additionally, plants adapted to hot/dry environments may have reduced leaf size or specialized mechanisms to limit water loss through transpiration.

How do you think temperature will effect transpiration in a plant?

Increase in temperature also increases the rate of evaporation of water, hence temperature will effect transpiration

What environmental factors increased the rate of transpiration?

Heat and wind.

Does a leaf sweat?

By transpiration. Water molecules pass out of the leaf by diffusion following the concentration gradient from higher concentration to lower concentration. The rate of transpiration varies. Factors that affect the rate of transpiration includes wind speed, light intensity, temperature and humidity

What is the operational definition of the rate of transpiration?

The rate of transpiration is the position of air bubble

List environmental factors that effect the rate at which plants transpire?

Environmental factors that affect the rate at which plants transpire include temperature, humidity, wind speed, and light intensity. Higher temperatures generally increase transpiration rates, while higher humidity levels can decrease transpiration. Wind can increase transpiration by removing water-saturated air around the leaf surface, and light intensity can also influence the opening and closing of stomata, affecting transpiration rates.

Why water lost in transpiration is not constant?

Because there is no consistancy in the rate of transpiration

What is a definition of the rate of transpiration?

The rate of transpiration is the amount of water vapor released by plants through their leaves per unit of time. It is influenced by factors like temperature, humidity, wind speed, and the plant's size and species. It plays a crucial role in plant cooling, water uptake, and nutrient transport.

How does high humidity affect transpiration?

High humidity reduces the rate of transpiration.

Compare the rate of transpiration from two surfaces of leaf and give reasons?

Compare the rate of transpiration from two surfaces of leaf and give reasons?"

How does acid rain effect things made of metal such as transpiration?

Transpiration it the biological process of the movement of water from roots to stoma through plants. it is not made of metal as it is not a physical entity in itself. Acid rain would probably eat away at things made of metal, and it affects transpiration because it increases the hydrogen ions in the xylem, which increases the cohesion and the rate of transpiration.

What has the author Phillip Unterschuetz written?

Phillip Unterschuetz has written: 'The effect of internal and external moisture stress on the transpiration rate of Douglas-fir seedlings (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco)' -- subject(s): Plants, Douglas fir, Transpiration