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Your breath circulation and blood corculation would flow easier if you didn't smoke. the arteries wouldn't be caked with fat and your lungs would be stronger. So...yeah.

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11y ago
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13y ago

Heart attack

Blood clot to the heart

your heart will run in overdrive and your arteries will clog up causing a blood clot causing death.

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16y ago

well smoking increases the amount of Carbon monoxide in your blood which decreases the amount of oxygen in your blood so that is bad but i dont know what else it does

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15y ago

smoking can affect you by shortening your life

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14y ago

Decreased, since blood vessels are constricted. Resting pulse and the work the heart does are increased, while blood oxygenation is decreased and less efficient.

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Q: What are the effects of smoking on your heart?
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What is smoking and its effects?

Smoking can cause emphysema, heart disease, and cancer.

How does smoking affect heart health?

Stroke being the biggest health concern along with lung cancer. If you're debating if to smoke or not, means you should not! More scary details of the effects of smoking on the heart:

What are the after effects of smoking?

you can die from cancer or heart disease and it gives you a bad breath

What are two long term effects of smoking?

lung disease, stokes, and heart desies

What is biological smoking?

Some of theæbiological effects of smoking are shortness of breath, risk of heart attack or stroke, COPD, weight loss, chronic congestion,and rapid aging.

What effects you when smoking?

All bad effects you can imagine. What good effects you get when smoking? NONE.

Can you die if you smoke?

Yes. The long term effects of smoking on health, including cancer and heart disease are well documented.

What are the effects of tobacco smoking?

Many persons who smoke have health problems like heart diseases or lung illness, tobacco smoking affects the brain , has a bad influence on your blood pressure.

What is the effects of smoking on the smokers and surrounding people?

Smoking can lead to a number of diseases such as heart disease, lung cancer and strokes. People who are exposed to secondhand smoke are also at risk of these diseases.

What are causes of smoking?

the causes of smoking is someone smoking. the effects are what happens after.

How does smoking effect the body?

Smoking has many negative effects on the body, inside and out. It discolors the fingers and nails, contributes to bad breath, dull and tired looking skin. Smoking turns the lungs black and can cause cancer and heart disease.

What is the best title about smoking?

Health effects on smoking