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some cwazy kids

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Q: What are the effects of a mentally ill mother upon a young child?
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What are the effects of bullying a young child?

You could ruin that kids life.

What has the author Katherine Young written?

Katherine Young has written: 'Exercise can be child's play!' -- subject(s): Exercise for women, Family recreation, Mother and child

How do cats move their young?

The mother cat grabs the scruff of her child's neck

Did Mother Teresa have a pet when she was young?

If she had any pets as a child there is no mention of them in her biographies.

What was Margaret tobin browns nickname as a child and young woman?

it was Maggie when she was a child and young womanso whats upgo to thehunterfile.blogspot.comi am straighter then a mother my name is Anthony Lopez

Who did Mother Teresa admire most when she was young?

Mother Teresa, as a child, loved reading the lives of the saints and especially admired those who were missionaries. It was at a young age that Mother Teresa decided to become a missionary herself.

Can a women of 30 give birth to her first child?

Of course. A woman can have her first child anytime from onset of menstruation (her periods - around 12 yrs) until the menopause (periods stop - usually around her 50s). Obviously it is not advised to have a baby when the mother is as young as 12yrs as she is not physically or mentally mature enough and it is a crime in most countries.

What is a great age to have a child?

Between the ages of 23 and 30 are prime times. You are young enough for it to not have major health affects on the mother and the parents are young enough to keep up with the child.

How would you use the word frantically?

The young mother screamed frantically as she searched for her missing child.

What is weaning children?

Weaning children means children who are substituted other food for the mother's milk. This is used in the diet of a child or any young mammal.The verb to wean means to cause a child or young mammal to replace mother's milk by other nourishment.

What are the health implications of a young pregnancy?

Being young and pregnant has many health implications to it. A young adult who is pregnant can get infections easily and is unlikely to know how to properly care and nourish a child it can threaten the health of both the child and the mother.

What was Versace interested in when he was a child?

Gianni Versace was interested in fashion at a very young age in Italy, because his mother was a dressmaker. He began his apprenticeship as a seamstress as a child, because his mother ran a sewing workshop.