About 7 bushels
Sorry I cant resist.... 30 gallons of it!
It was 25 cents a gallon. I remember "gas wars" on intersections with gas stations on 3 of 4 corners in the mid 60's and yep 23 to 25 cents was about right.... until they really got in to the "wars' and I do recall it being as low as 19.9 cents..............David
The duration of The Haunted Drum is 1.58 hours.
Drum - 2004 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:MA
Thereare different shapes of drum, but most 25 gallon drums are about 30 inches high
An empty 45 gallon steel drum typically weighs around 30-35 pounds.
You pour four gallons into the five gallon drum, and take the ten gallon drum with the other four gallons of oil in that.
Ah, a drum can hold different amounts depending on its size, but a standard drum typically holds about 200 liters. Just imagine all the beautiful colors you could mix in there! It's all about finding joy in the little details, my friend.
An empty 50-gallon metal drum typically weighs around 30-40 pounds, depending on the thickness of the metal used in its construction.
120 qts 1 gallon = 4 quarts 1 quart = 0.25 gallon
Fill the 5-gallon drum. Pour the contents into the 3-gallon drum, filling it. Now you have 2 gallons left in the big one.Empty the 3-gallon drum. Pour the 2 gallons into it. At this point there is room for one more gallon.Now refill the 5-gallon drum and pour off as much as it takes to fill up the small one. That means you are removing one gallon.Now you have exactly 4 gallons in the 5-gallon drum.or Fill the 3 gallon drum. Pour the contents into the 5 gallon drum. Refill the the 3 gallon drum and pour the contents into the 5 gallon drum until it is full. Empty the 5 gallon drum. You have 1 gallon left in the 3 gallon drum. Pour the remaining 1 gallon into the 5 gallon drum. Re-fill the 3-gallon drum and pour that into the 5 gallon drum giving you 4 gallons. or Tip the 5 gallon drum and fill it until water is level to both the bottom and spilling out the top; next do the same with the 3 gallon drum; then pour the half full 3 gallon drum into the half full 5 gallon drum, rusulting in 2.5 plus 1.5 equals 4 gallons! orWatch Die Hard 3 for the answer.
A standard, 55 US gallon / 44 Imperial gallon drum would lead me to believe you would have a 550 US Gallon tank.
The weight of oil in a drum can vary depending on the type of oil and the size of the drum. However, a standard 55-gallon drum of oil typically weighs around 200-250 kilograms.
A 150-gallon drum contains 0.0036 gallon per cubic inch.
An empty steel drum typically weighs around 20-30 pounds, depending on the size and thickness of the drum.
A 30 gallon drum typically weighs around 20-30 pounds when empty. The weight can vary depending on the material the drum is made of, such as steel or plastic. If the drum is filled with liquid, the weight will obviously increase significantly.