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Q: What are the different waste and step on how to open Microsoft PowerPoint?
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How do you view PowerPoint on a Mac?

PowerPoint files can be viewed on a Mac with Microsoft's PowerPoint, Apple's Keynote, Open Office and several PowerPoint viewers.

What program would open a file that ends with ppt?

A PPT file is a Microsoft PowerPoint file. PowerPoint from Microsoft or Impress from LibreOffice would do.

What is open office impres?

It is the equivalent of Microsoft's 'Powerpoint' program.

Differentiate between microsoft PowerPoint and open office?

Powerpoint is a single program - OpenOffice is a suite of programs !

Which software programs are used to create digital presentations A Microsoft Exel B PowerPoint C Microsoft Word D Open office impress Choose all that apply?

Microsoft Powerpoint!

What is open office impress?

Open Office Impress is basically a free version of Microsoft PowerPoint.

Can you use Microsoft PowerPoint to open a file created with Excel?

Powerpoint is not designed to directly open Excel documents. Powerpoint can import spreadsheets and charts and you can copy data from Excel into Powerpoint. Powerpoint also has a built in feature for creating very simple spreadsheets and charts.

How do you open PowerPoint made on a Windows on a Mac?

There is a Microsoft Office version for the Macintosh platform available. It is called Microsoft Office 2008 for Mac. You can also view PowerPoint presentations on Apple's own office productivity suite, iWork. iWork and Microsoft Office 2008 for Mac are both available from the Apple online store.

Is Microsoft PowerPoint an open-source application?

No. If you need an open-source presentation app, try Impress.

When you first open the Microsoft PowerPoint application what is displayed?

A blank presentation document

Will a Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 work on a computer that only has Microsoft PowerPoint 2003?

No, you will need to covert it first (on the computer wih 2007):1. Make sure you do not have the PowerPoint open that you wish to convert and that your work is saved.2. Rename the PowerPoint from "---.pptx" to "---.ppt".This should have converted it and should now be viewable on computers without PowerPoint 2007 or the PowerPoint 2007 Viewer.

How can you open PowerPoint using RUN command?

On iphone? Well, on iphone, you go to the internet and say, Microsoft Powerpoint. Otherwise....