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In this type of farming farmers grow crops for self consumption. This type of farming is
still practiced in few pockets of India.

  • It is practiced on small patches of land.
  • Farmers use primitive tools like hoe, dao and digging sticks.
  • Only family/community labour is used for farming.
  • This type of farming depends upon natural conditions such as monsoon, natural
  • fertility of the soil and suitable conditions for the crops, though ways of adding to the soil, like using compost, may be used.
  • It is also known as slash and burn' agriculture.
  • Land productivity in this type of agriculture may be low, depending on what methods of replenishing the soil and pest control are used.
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9y ago
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16y ago

Digging holes in the ground and planting things. We do the same today, but have sophisticated machinery to take the hard work out of it.

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12y ago

simply farming to keep oneself maintained.

Eg: Farming enough sheep to meet you're families maintenance energy requirements

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12y ago

the crops that are grown in primitive in subsistence farming are 1.tomatoes 2. cassava 3. yams 4. corn

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10y ago

primitive farming

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What are crops grown in primitive subsistence farming?

the crops that are grown in primitive in subsistence farming are 1.tomatoes 2. cassava 3. yams 4. corn

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The characteristics of subsistence farming areFarmers use primitive toolsIt is practised on small patches of land

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the crops that are grown in primitive in subsistence farming are 1.tomatoes 2. cassava 3. yams 4. corn

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What are some of the characteristics of subsistence farming?

The whole family works hard.There are a few, if any, machines.Farms tend to be small, an average size is about one hectare.Farmers use primitive tools.

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Is primitive subsistence farming soil friendly?

Primitive subsistence farming can have negative effects on soil health if practiced unsustainably, such as through slash-and-burn techniques or continuous cultivation without proper soil management practices. However, when practiced using traditional, low-impact methods that incorporate crop rotation, fallowing, and organic fertilizers, primitive subsistence farming can be more soil-friendly. Balancing soil use and regeneration is key to maintaining soil fertility in primitive subsistence farming.

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