41.7325° N, 49.9469° W
41°43'52.3"N 49°56'58.0"W, (41.731183, -49.949444)
41°44'03.8"N 49°56'53.7"W, (41.734400, -49.948250)
41°43'37.6"N 49°56'54.2"W, (41.727100, -49.948400)
Download google earth 5.0 and the search these coordinates: 41°43'36" N, 49°56'54.06" N and you'll see the titanic underwater.
Coordinates can be found in related link.
Work it out from a map or Google Earth. Don't be lazy.
Bing Maps Google Earth
You would type the coordinates north-south, comma, then east-west. Thanks to Robert Ballard, who found the Titanic back on September 1, 1985, the coordinates are 41.732500 North, -49.946944 West.
Google Earth has a shipwreck layer which includes the Titanic but the Olympic (the Titanic's sister ship) never sank. The Olympic had a collision with a British warship in 1911, and had to be brought back to the shipyard in Belfast to be repaired. Other than this, it had a long sailing career, until it was finally retired and scrapped in 1937. You can, however, find the Titanic on Google Earth. See the related question.
First expand the Ocean layer in the Layers panel then click the Shipwrecks layer.Now if you look in the North Atlantic you'll see an icon for the RMS Titanic which if clicked takes you to ocean floor where the Titanic sunk and broke into two pieces.
Nintendo's main headquarters is in Kyoto, Japan which you can find in Google Earth by entering the coordinates (34°58′11.89″N 135°45′22.33″E).
If you have an address, city name, or just latitude/longitude coordinates then you can fly to that location in Google Earth. Just enter the address or coordinates into the Search/Fly-to text box in the sidebar.You could also do advanced queries such as "hotels near Paris" to display hotels near the city of Paris. The same queries that work in Google Maps work in Google Earth.If don't have a particular location in mind, but you want to browse many of the interesting finds in Google Earth by category then there are numerous published lists available. For example, check out the Google Earth Community (GEC) forums.
The explicit fly-to tab that existed in Google Earth 6.1 (and earlier versions) has been removed in Google Earth 6.2 and replaced with a simpler/more powerful interface.Typing in an address or coordinates then clicking search or pressing enter will automatically fly to that location.
See related links for lots of "secrets" and interesting places found in Google Earth.Also try searching for "secrets google earth" in any search engine (like Google) and you'll see lots of hits.If you mean "secret" or hidden features in Google Earth (also known as "easter eggs") then see related questions.
The geographic coordinates of where the Titanic sank is 41*43.5 N 49*56.8 W