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The comparative and superlative forms of intelligent are more intelligent and most intelligent.

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more intelligent, most intelligent

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Q: What are the comparative and superlative forms of intelligent?
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What are the comparative and superlative forms of the word intelligent?

more intelligent, most intelligent

What are the comparative and superlative adjective of inteligent?

The comparative form of "intelligent" is "more intelligent," and the superlative form is "most intelligent."

What is the comparative and superlative of the word intelligent?

"Intelligent" doesn't have a comparative and superlative form. Instead, you would say "more intelligent" or "most intelligent."

What are the comparative and superlative of intelligent?

most intelligent is the superlative form of intelligent

What is the comparative and superlative to the word intelligent?

more intelligent, most intelligent

What is comparative and superlative for the word intelligent?

More intelligent,Most intelligent.

What are the comparative and superlative for of the word intelligent?

more intelligent, most intelligent

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more intelligent, most intelligent

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The comparative forms of loudly, as with any other adverb, are simple: Comparative: more loudly Superlative: most loudly The comparative forms of loud are: Comparative: louder Superlative: loudest