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Healthy calves will have a good appetite, be alert with eyes shiny and ears up. Thier coats will appear shiny, have alot of energy, and bowl movements will begin to turn brown in colour and take more shape (first bowl movements are yellow).

As calves turn into yearlings healthy females will begin to cycle every month, still appearing bright and alert. Their appetite will be strong and will have strong regurgitations. Bulls will begin to jump one another (showing promiscuity), and will begin to develop muscularity while still being alert and showing all of the above characteristics.

Healthy cattle regardless of age will show above characteristics, however, mothers will be alert as to where the calf is, and have a high milk production level.

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Q: What are the characteristics of a healthy calf?
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This question cannot be answered without knowing the characteristics of the mother, father, and calf.

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A healthy calf should have NO diseases. As a matter of fact, ANY calf should be disease free!

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A hungry calf is a healthy calf. Don't feed a calf too much other wise it will scour. Otherwise, you know a calf is getting enough if you are knowingly keeping on top of regular feedings and watching it grow day by day. A healthy calf is a calf that's not lethargic, sickly-looking and interested in eating.

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A Dexter calf does not need any treatment[s] if it is healthy.

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No. Should be either or. Electrolytes if calf has scours, milk replacer if it's healthy.

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If you can try to feed it mostly milk. It needs to get healthy.

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In PRCA events, the calf must weigh between 220 and 280 pounds. Calves must be strong and healthy

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Healthy Flavors - 2005 Flavor Characteristics was released on: USA: 12 May 2007

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