Your eyelids function thousands of times a day, and with each blink, your eyelashes causes eddies of air currents that (usually) move dust particles away from contact with your eye.
On occasion, dust particles (Or L.A. Smog) will contact your eyeball's surface, causing extreme discomfort and blurring of vision.
The blurring is caused by the tear ducts. They are triggered when an irritant contacts the eyeball and flush out the irritant with tears.
Without operational tear ducts, we'd all be perpetually blinded by ordinary wind-blown dust.
Some benefits are such as we wouldnt have to pay the astronaught to be up in space all that time, and it is also alot safer.
They are a form of entertainment.
The benefits of illuminated signs are that they can be seen well at night and in bad conditions, like fog. They are also more eye-catching most of the time.
A Sky Card is beneficial promotional service provided by American Express. Some benefits are earlier boarding, discounts on flights, and others of that general nature.
Some benefits of being a scientist for NASA include opportunities to conduct cutting-edge research in space exploration, access to state-of-the-art facilities and resources, collaboration with top experts in the field, and the chance to contribute to groundbreaking discoveries that advance our understanding of the universe.
The tearduct
Solidary benefits are selective benefits that are given to members of different faction groups. These benefits include friendship, networking, and consciousness raising. Solidary benefits are benefits that are the opposite of material benefits, they are intangible. --SC
What are benefits of effective communication What are benefits of effective communication
Benefits is not a food. Benefits is an advantage or profit gained from something.
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bundle of benefits
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bundle of benefits
“Benefits & Risks”
social benefits are social and private benefits are private.
There are several benefits offered by Advocate Health Care. Some of these benefits include medical benefits, adoption assistance, disability benefits, education assistance, employee assistance programs, and retirement benefits.