The names of all the aliens off ben 10 alien force are
ultimate Humongousaur
Echo echo
Spider monkey
Brain storm
Alien x
Big chill
jet ray
Wildmutt, Four Arms, Grey Matter, XLR8, Upgrade, Diamondhead, Ripjaws, Stinkfly,
Ghostfreak, Heatblast, Cannonbolt, Wildvine, Upchuck, Eye Guy, Benwolf, Ditto,
Benmummy, Benvicktor, Way Big, Goop, Swampfire, Chromastone, Big Chill,
Humongousaur, Brainstorm, Jetray, Spidermonkey, Echo Echo and Alien x.
Check for alien force aliens and for original ben 10 aliens
ok ill do them in the order they appear in the season 2 theme/start/titles or watever u wanna calll them.
goop - basically what it says on the tin i.e some green goo controlled by a tiny spaceship shaped thing.
swampfire - can create fire balls and control plants around him also he can produce a gas that is smelly enoutgh to nock most ppl out
chromastone - hope i spelt that right. related to diomand head is a conductor and can take most things like lasers shot at him and re direct it or use it for a sort of laser that is very powerful and multi colred
big chill - a moth looking alien that can freeze thing turn invisible and walk through things. also gives birth every 70 odd years. can stand the heat as well as has been in a furnace and drank molten metal
humongusour - what the name says a dinosaur that is huge and strong can grow bigger - up to 60 ft.
brainstorm - crab looking with a big brain - is very smart and snobby. brain power can fire lightning at enemies and laer beams and can also produce a energy field around him and someone else (as seen in pier pressure
jet ray - has sting in tail and eyes. poison in horns on head - nerve shocks and can fly and swim faster than the speed of sound.
spider monkey - my favourite alien can fire webs and nets and tie ppl up and has six legs talks in excited tone
echo echo - can duplicate but clones are not conected to each other like dito in ben 10. can produce deafaning ultra sonic sound waves that can floor most enamies.
alien x - only used in one episode (the end of season 1- ben = x+2) is very good when working as can alter realaty and could even bring back dinosaurs if they wanted too. unfourtunatly it is made up of 3 beings and at least 2 have to agree for something to happen. [the 3 beings=ben[alien x] love and compassion and anger, judgment and punishment.] whilst deciding x freezes - at the end of the show ben vows never to use alien x again
He doesn't,if you watch the eposides after the building explodes,he somehow manages to survive. This is shown in 'War of the Worlds'. He appears with the 'max force' (some aliens) ben 10 can beat some aliens can if ben 10 use four arms and ben 10 alien force use homagasour beat to ben 10 has fill the power ben 10 will win ben 10 alien force will lose
Ben 10 Alien Force Is Coming To UK On 16th February 2009.
yes there will be a season 3 of ben 10 alien force
you can't it's impossible what loon told you that?
Ben 10: grey matter wild mutt ripjaws stinkfly wildmine cannon bolt XLR8 four arms diamond head way big Ben wolf heat blast upchuck ditto eye guy upgrade Ben mummy ghost freak Ben 10 alien force: big chill jet ray goop spider monkey alien-x Humungousaur swamp fire chromastone brain storm lode star Ben 10 ultimate alien: nanomech ultimate spider monkey ultimate Humungousaur ultimate big chill ultimate echo echo ultimate swamp fire ultimate cannon bolt ultimate four arms rath
his alien force aliens and nanomechNo, Alien X doesn't appear in Alien Swarm.
he wont unlock any aliens it different when its comes to Ben 10 and Ben 10 alien force
The main characters in Ben 10 alien force are Gwen, Kevin, and Ben.
the cheat is called thamatcha
the aliens in ben 10 alien force season 3 will be the same ones as you see them everyday and the ones of ben 10 such as diamonhead and heatblast.
Yes there is, its called your a loser for playing ben 10
No you can't.
master control and all aliens
It is assumed he doesn't, as the new aliens are "fusions" of the aliens from the original series.
no, it is one of the 10 aliens in the watch
bigchill and swampfire
No, you can't.