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  • Advantages

  • Congestion problems are universal, as are sports and snoring, so there is a need for the product the world over.
  • There is growing global interest in "natural" products that promote wellness, so the non-drug nasal strip that addresses these common needs with no side effects, has potential for broad market appeal.
  • An innovative product creates a lot of excitement when first introduced, so the potential for free public relations around the globe is great.
  • The net effect is that CNS has the opportunity to significantly increase sales revenue from international markets with limited financial risk.

Disadvantages -

  • "International" can't be treated as one big market-it's made up of many discrete markets with local customs and norms, so it's difficult to truly have "global" or other marketing strategies.
  • How the product will be positioned, priced, and promoted in each country takes resource time and money to identify and implement.
  • Also developing new packaging and advertising, educating potential consumers, and finding efficient distributors and channels can be costly.
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Q: What are the advantages and disadvantages for CNS taking Breathe Right strips into international markets?
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