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To the West we have the Atlantic Ocean, from Iceland down to Africa.

To the North the water is divided by Denmark we have the North Sea (sometimes called the German Sea) which is between Britain, Norway and Germany/Holland/Denmark. Then to the East of Denmark separating Sweden and Finland from Germany and the Baltic Republics (Estonia/Latvia/Lithuania) and Russia there is the Baltic Sea.

On the South of Europe the Mediterranean Sea (Middle of the Earth Sea!) separates Europe from Africa.

To the East side of the Balkans separating Turkey in the south from Russia/Ukraine in the north with the Balkans on it's West side and the Caucasus region on the East there is the Black Sea.

There are then some smaller areas of water that have separate names.

In the Mediterranean around Italy the areas have there own names (the Roman Empire named them!) between Italy and the west of the Balkans there is the Adriatic Sea. Between Italy and Sardinia and Corsica the is the Tyrrhenian Sea and south of Italy and around all the Greek Islands there is the Ionian Sea. All three of these are parts of the Mediterranean.

Between the Island of Great Britain and the Island of Ireland is the Irish Sea which is sometimes considered part of the Atlantic.

Joining the Black Sea to the Mediterranean there is a narrow area called the Bosphorus which separates the Balkans and European Turkey from Asia Minor (and the rest of Turkey!) and contains the small Sea of Marmara.

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Europe has several forms of water. These include gulfs, rivers, lakes, oceans, and straits. The most familiar are the Mediterranean Gulf, the Themes, and the English Channel.

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Some of the main water forms in Europe include rivers (such as the Danube and Rhine), lakes (such as Lake Geneva and Lake Como), seas (such as the Mediterranean Sea and Baltic Sea), and oceans (such as the Atlantic Ocean). These water forms play important roles in the geography, transportation, and ecosystems of Europe.

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