Consider: "Sam Houston was an honest man".
sam Houston is 3000 merters tall
Irene Houston Williams and Patricia Houston Williams were great grandchildren of Sam Houston
Sam Houston was born on March 2, 1793.
Sam Houston defeated Santa Anna at the battle of San jacinto
Houston is named after Sam Houston
Houston was nicknamed after Sam Houston.
Houston was nicknamed after Sam Houston.
sam Houston is known for leading the Mexican troups while santa Anna backed down and ran away while sam Houston was shot in the ankle and still lead the Mexican troops . COOL FACTS : as you know sam Houston was president for two or three times . he had a wife and 8 kids .. NO KIDDING !! he also had a drinking problem .
Sam Houston He was a US Senator at the time
William Rogers Houston was Sam Houston's son.
Sam Houston's mother was Elizabeth Paxton Houston.
He was not.
Sam Houston's mother was Elizabeth Paxton Houston.
Sam Houston's father was Major Samuel Houston.
Sam Houston