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Q: What are some words that have the î sound?
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Some words that have the sound "seid" in them include: beside, inside, and outside.

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Some words with the ǝ sound are "sofa," "banana," "umbrella," and "camera."

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Some words that sound like igloo:AccrueAdieuAdoAndrewAnewArgueAskewBambooBantuBayouBestrewBlewBlueBooBreakthroughBrewCanoeCashewChewClewClueConstrueContinueCooCorkscrewCrewCuckooCueCurfewDebutDewDoDrewDueEmuEnsueEweFewFlewFlueFluGlueGnuGooGrewGuruHaikuHairdoHebrewHeretoHewHinduHonoluluHoodooHorseshoeHueHughHullabalooImbueImpromptuIntoIssueKazooKnewKudzuLieuLuluMenuMewMildewMiscueMisdoMooMuumuuNephewNewOutdoOutgrewPewPoohPursueQueueRescueRueScrewShoeShooShrewSkewSlewSlueSpewStewStrewSubdueSueTabooTattooTheretoThrewThroughThumbscrewTissueToTooTributeTrueTwoUndueUntoUntrueVenueViewVoodooWaterlooWazooWheretoWhewWhoWithdrewWooYahooYewYouZebuZooZulu

What are some words that start with a long A vowel sound?

Words that begin with a short A sound include:ableaceacheacornagealeaidailaimanalangelaortaapeapexapronasymmetricedelweiss (ay-del-vice)

What words are related to sound?

Some words related to sound are noise, volume, pitch, and frequency.

What words sound like net?

Some words that sound like "net" include pet, wet, and get.

What words with same sound as close?

Some words that have the same sound as "close" are "clothes," "chose," and "those."

What are some words with yoo vowel sound?

Some words with the "yoo" vowel sound include: Blue True Flu Due

What are some words with the schwa sound and n?

Some examples of words with the schwa sound and "n" include button, mountain, lantern, and certain.

What words beginning with short A sound?

Many words that begin with an A followed by a consonant will have the short A sound. Some examples are: abstract, act, add, after, alchemy, amnesty, and, apt, as, at, avid, azimuth --- Some words will have a long A : able, amen, anal Some words will have an unstressed schwa sound instead: about, allow, apply Some words with have an AW sound: all, awl

What are some words that create the sound of steam?

Hiss, whoosh, sizzle, and puff are words that can evoke the sound of steam.