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Q: What are some uses for a double wound transformer?
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What are the types of and uses for a transformer?

There are two types of transformers:- 1. Step-up transformer & 2. Step-down transformer. A transformer used to increase the voltage is called Step-up transformer. A transformer used to decrease the voltage is called Step-down transformer. Uses of step-up transformer:- in power supply stations, in picture tubes of TV, computer monitors, halogen lights, etc. Uses of step-down transformer:- in supply of electricity to homes, in the power supply to the low voltage devices like radio, music systems which are run by AC mains.

How and why is electricity transformed for different uses?

Using a transformer.

What are some historical uses of salt?

To cure meat Wound Care Tanning Hides To keep things frozen.

Can you sub a 240 volt 1.5 amp transformer in place of a 240 volt 3 amp transformer?

If the load you are connecting to the transformer uses 1.5 amps or less, yes.

How do you test chopper transformer?

A chopper transformer is a kind of transformer used in an switching power supply.The primary input voltage of it is a Direct current (D.C) unlike any other ordinary step down transformer which uses an Alternating Current (A.C).Chopper transformer uses a switching transistor to produce a secondary voltage..

What equipment uses Nlb200050w1a ac adapter?

Transformer Power Supply

What are possible uses of a single phase 30VA transformer?

To continuously supply a load of up to 30-V.A at the rated secondary voltage of the transformer.

Uses of transformer?

transformers are used to step up or step down the voltages

What does Juana use as poultice for Coyotito's wound?

Juana uses seaweed poultice on Coyotito's wound to help draw out the poison.

How does a welding transformer work?

A welding transformer uses the alternating current supplied to the welding shop at a high voltage to produce the low voltage welding power

How many gallons of oil in a 2500 kva 12470 480 volt transformer?

Oil is used to cool the transformer. There is no telling what the transformer in question uses without knowing the specific part number and looking up the specification.

Does 110 volts cost more if uses stepdown trasformer?

If you have to pay for the stepdown transformer, yes. If that is provided free, there is a small loss of energy in the transformer, maybe about 5%, and it depends on whether the meter is installed before or after the transformer.