The womens role were to grow and harvest the crops, cook for the family, and take care of the children.
they are for the men to abuse them
Cree Indian women wore long dresses with removable sleeves. Cree men wore breechcloths and leggings. The Crees also wore moccasins on their feet and cloaks or ponchos in bad weather. Later, Cree people adapted European costume like blouses and jackets into their own style using beadwork, embroidery, and ribbon appliques. Here is a photograph of a Cree buckskin jacket, and some photos and links about Native American clothes in general.
what do the plains cree eat now Can Someone please write something about the Cree nation because I have to write a report on it so I need some info :P
They live in southern Canada and in some parts of the United States; North Dakota and Montana.
Cree is a language spoken by a large number of First Nations people of North America. The Cree are a large group of First Nations people of North America.
Women were viewed as the caregivers because the men were gone.
to hunt to get food for the family by hunting an going to war if needed
they grow up to be Strong proud Cree men and Women
traditions of the plains Cree
what are the roles of metis men
woman of Kenya were farmers. men were haunters
The men's roles were to hunt, fish, and build houses.
They were slaves, Farmers and some were kings and soldier's.
they hunt in the club hitting up thoes bitties
what was the calusa indians roles for men
The men fought in the war
The roles of ancient men were fight in wars and protect everybody and to help build things.
The roles of Egypt were jobs for men and women