some bad dares would be...
-dare someone to drink spoiled milk
-dare someone to shave off your friends eyebrows while they are asleep
-dare someone to put itching power on toilet paper
First, if you are going to play a game that is about daring each other to do things, be sure that you are willing to say "no" to any dare as this game is all about exerting peer pressure to get people to do things they normally would not do. You may think that someone will not like you if you do not give in to peer pressure and that could happen, but a worthwhile friend will respect you for standing up for what you think is right.
However, as this type of game is a normal for young people, here are some fun dares (get parental permission before doing any of these):
1. Drink the gross mixture - Everyone who is going to take a drink gets to name one ingredient on a piece of paper (they must all be SAFE ingredients. Foods or drinks that people can eat without becoming sick). Then mix them together and everyone has to take a drink. At large sleepovers, this can get really nasty! Be sure to show everyone around the kitchen so they can name items you have or you'll waste time with people having to write down new items.
2. The "Haunted Room" - For this one, you need the help of a parent or older sibling. Pick a room in your house that is used normally for storage, a guest room, or that belongs to the older sibling who is involved. Explain to your guests when they show up that they should not go into the room and be evasive if they ask you about it. Later, when it gets dark, have one of your parents or an older sibling hide in the haunted room before telling your friends a ghost story about the room. If they don't believe you, dare them to go into the room, and have your parents (or older sibling) scare them by jumping out at them in a costume (or without one. . . bonus points for hiding in the closet or using props to make sounds that you mentioned in the story like chains).
3. The "Bloody Mary or Mary Worth" dare - First, tell the scary story of Mary Worth (or Bloody Mary - both are easy to find by doing a Google search), then take your friends into the bathroom, turn out the lights and say Bloody Mary (or Mary Worth) into the mirror 3 times (or chant it if you really want to get a scare out of them). Someone will imagine something if you say it enough times and freak out. Be sure to tell them afterward that this has been studied by psychologists and that due to expectations nearly always someone believes they've seen something (perhaps even hallucinate). It is believed that this phenomenon of hallucination brought on by expectations by responsible for some religious hysteria.
Hitler was really only bad later on in his life, when he was younger he was not as bad as when he was older.
NO!!!! if they call u a nasty name they don't love u! they might just be using u! Good names are good. bad names are bad.
disgusting nasty potent
Naughty is a synonym for bad. Nasty and nauseating also are synonyms for bad.
nasty ant has bad has terrible !
if you mean chris jerico for wwe then no he is not as bad as he puts on cas ive met him cas i got ring side tickets and hes really really nice.
== == Yes, to many people, naughty means slightly bad and nasty usually means really bad. Some people prefer not to use the word "bad" in reference to children who misbehave, though, so another way of stating it is that naughty means that a child has done something minor that he should not have, and nasty means the behavior was very much off the mark. Of course the word nasty is a poor choice when referring to behavior because it can also mean that someone has not taken a bath for a long time or other things.
Overpowering, putrid, ripe, stenchy, stinky, nasty,
The perception of hairiness being good or bad is subjective and varies from person to person. Some might find it attractive or natural, while others may not. Ultimately, it is important to embrace and be accepting of your own body regardless of hairiness.
Plums usually go bad when its all wrinkled up and squishy. You can tell if it looks really werid and nasty. Also, avoid ones that are very soft.