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Tesla's first four patents are:

  • 334823 Commutator for dynamo electric machines
  • 335786 Electric arc lamp
  • 335787 Electric arc lamp
  • 336961 Regulator for dynamo electric machines

Edison's first four patents are:

  • 90646 Electrographic vote recorder
  • 91527 Printing telegraphs
  • 96567 Printing telegraph apparatus
  • 96681 Automatic electrical switch for telegraph apparatus
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Q: What are some patents that Tesla and Edison were granted?
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Related questions

How many patents did Nikola Tesla have?

Some of Tesla's patents are not accounted for, and various sources have discovered some that have lain hidden in patent archives. There are a minimum of 278 patents issued to Tesla in 26 countries that have been accounted for.

What did Tesla do different in making his own light bulbs when Edison refused to provide light bulbs to Tesla so that they did not violate Edison's patents?

He made them so that they could turn on and used without wires. Also there were some difference in those. Most countries had passed a law that the bulbs from Edison can not be used. The United States also signed the bill.

What are nikola's contributions?

Some of Tesla's patents are not accounted for, and various sources have discovered some that have lain hidden in patent archives. There are a minimum of 278 patents[1] issued to Tesla in 26 countries that have been accounted for.

Did Nikola Tesla help any other scientists?

Tesla is now credited with inventing modern radio as well; since the Supreme Court overturned Guglielmo Marconi's patent in 1943 in favor of Nikola Tesla's earlier patents. When an engineer once said to Tesla, "Looks as if Marconi got the jump on you" regarding Marconi's radio system, Tesla replied, "Marconi is a good fellow. Let him continue. He is using seventeen of my patents." Edison hired Tesla to work for his Edison Machine Works. Tesla's work for Edison began with simple electrical engineering and quickly progressed to solving some of the company's most difficult problems. Tesla was even offered the task of completely redesigning the Edison company's direct current generators. Tesla claims he was offered US$50,00 if he redesigned Edison's inefficient motor and generators, making an improvement in both service and economy. In 1885 when Tesla inquired about the payment for his work, Edison replied, "Tesla, you don't understand our American humor," thus breaking his word. Earning US$18 per week, Tesla would have had to work for 53 years to earn the amount he was promised. The offer was equal to the initial capital of the company. Tesla immediately resigned when he was refused a raise to US$25 per week.

When did Nikola Tesla invents the radio?

Though history books continue to give Guglielmo Marconi credit for the invention of radio, Tesla's lectures on wireless broadcasting precede Marconi's radio patents by some three years. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled on the matter in Tesla's favor, and struck down Marconi's patent claim, in 1943.

How did george westinghouse become nikola tesla's mentor?

He bought some patents from him.

Are some Tesla inventions or patents classified?

yes. check patent office site!

What was the last name of Thomas Edison's main opponent?

That was Nikola Tesla. He and Edison disagreed on whether long-distance power transmission should be direct current (DC) as Edison wanted, or alternating current (AC) as Tesla wanted. For some very reasonable and practical reasons, Tesla won out, and today our power is transmitted and used as AC.

What year did Nikola Tesla invented radio?

He had the radio ready by 1893 but a fire broke in his lab. That is why Marconi launched his radio which he used some 17 patents from Tesla.

Did Edison steal inventions from tesla?

Edison is known for the most stolen patents in history. He did work the direct current motor but it caused a lot of problem. People got electrocuted and there were many fires caused by that. Tesla fixed the problem but Edison did not pay sum offered.

Who are some of the people who worked with Nikola Tesla?

Some of his friends were Mark Twain,Robert Underwood Johnson,Katharine Underwood Johnson,and George Westinghouse.

Did Nikola Tesla invent radios?

Though history books continue to give Guglielmo Marconi credit for the invention of radio, Tesla's lectures on wireless broadcasting precede Marconi's radio patents by some three years. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled on the matter in Tesla's favor, and struck down Marconi's patent claim, in 1943.