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A modern newspaper has four main functions: to inform, serve, entertain and interpret. inform - to report news with accuracy and interest serve - to provide information such as weather, markets and shipping. entertain - humorous items such as comics, Cartoons, columnists and bizarre stories. interpret - background information and a summary to help readers understand events and their implications.

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15y ago
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5mo ago

The purpose of reading a newspaper is to stay informed about current events, local and global news, politics, social issues, and other relevant information. It helps individuals to expand their knowledge, stay up-to-date with developments, and make informed decisions.

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15y ago

I worked at a newspaper in the early 1970s as the National Advertising Secretary. I had typical secretarial duties, such as typing, filing, keeping records of the total lineage of the National advertising (that which was not local ads, basically) we received, ordering National ads to go into the newspaper, proofreading the ads before publishing, and that sort of work. Each department had a secretary with similar duties to mine. I know newspapers have moved into a more modern age since I was working there, with a lot more computerization in each department. I don't think they have to make the metal advertising things (I have forgotten what those were called!) that were used to get the ad copy put onto the newspaper pages any more. (Those old things piled up in the mailroom, where they were stored.) All advertising comes picture-ready now, making storage space a non-issue. Other jobs at this newspaper (a morning paper 6 days a week, an afternoon paper 6 days a week, a Sunday newspaper, and a Sunday "magazine" accompaniment for the paper) were: 1. the Secretaries mentioned earlier; 2. Advertising Salesmen, who called on the local merchants to sell ad space in the paper; 3. Advertiser and Journal layouts ("dummies") were the two people who lay out the ads onto the dummy sheets of the newspaper, fitting the advertising space onto the news pages; 4. Several Mailroom persons (their jobs included obtaining "tear-sheets" for the advertisers and getting them mailed out to verify ads running correctly, distributing incoming mail to the various departments' personnel); 5. Editors, who wrote articles that ran in the paper, as well as reading over and correcting/editing articles of the; 6. Junior Staff Writers (all of these people go out of the building during the day to get the articles and pictures that run in the paper); 7. photographers who go out during the day to take pictures of important events, develop those pictures, and write up simple paragraphs to describe what is happening; 8. Printing Pressmen do the work of getting the newspaper put together, printed, sent to proof-reading, errors corrected and re-printed, papers bundled for distribution, then clean up their area to begin again first thing next morning; 9. the Sunday Magaziine Editor, who was responsible for all parts of that publication, including the advertising, photos, articles, proof-reading, etc.; 10. Newspaper Delivery Personnel, who use their own vehicles to deliver the newspaper to all the subscribers. There were also janitorial people, but I think they worked for a different employer. That is as far as my memory will take me, concerning personnel of the newspaper, and the sort of work they did there. I hope it helps you find what you are looking forl

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8y ago

Newspapers are published to inform people about local, national and international events and the issues relating to these. They also try to influence public opinion as to what should be done about things that are happening by skewing how they report events and by commentaries. Finally they are a forum from which commercial products may be advertised.

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13y ago

To provide individual with news, sports, job etc... hope this help

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10y ago

One of the functions of a newspaper headline is to let the reader get a basic understanding of what an article is about. Another function is to get the attention of the reader.

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11y ago

Believe it or not, you can actually glean a lot of information. News articles often contain many in depth attitudes and facts that are not found elsewhere.

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12y ago

to lick babies in they period times

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11y ago

to inform, to persuade, and to entertain

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