If your looking to plan visiting Dresden, there are many fine
choices of hotels for you to choose from. Some of these include
Holiday Inn Express Dresden City Center, Hotel Aviv Dresden and Kim
Hotel Dresden.
Where can I find the best deals on hotels in Dresden?
The best deals on hotel accommodations in Dresden can be found
by checking with a local travel agent. Deals on hotel
accommodations in Dresden may also by located by checking with
websites such as Travelocity and Kayak.
What is the average rate for a one night stay in hotels located in Dresden?
The average rate for a one night stay in hotel in Dresden is
about 80 dollars. The cheapest cost 48 dollars and the most
expensive hotel costs 170 dollars.
Where is the Dresden Historical Society in Dresden Maine located?
The address of the Dresden Historical Society is: Po Box 201,
Dresden, ME 04342
Where is the Dresden Branch Library in Dresden located?
The address of the Dresden Branch Library is: 816 Main St.,
Dresden, 43821 9770
Who performed the bombings in Dresden?
The Allies bombed Dresden: Britons and American bombers did it
to motivate the German people to tell Hitler to give up the war.
There were also some hidden military places in Dresden. They
leveled Dresden sadly but the US did help them to rebuild the city
in later years.