Netflix "Watch Instantly" requires Silverlight to be installed.
There are many different animes with yanderes characters. Some of the famous ones include Hikurishi, Elfen Lied, and Higurashi no Nuko. You can try these out and see if they captivate you.
most people think 'go to youtube' but have you ever wondered where the video'creator on youtube got the anime from? Some top websites are,,,
Fancast is a good place, but WARNING, doesn't have everything you may be looking for.www.2kmovielinks.com500.000 Movies298.000 Tv-Showsall languages!?
Go online, type "watch movies online free no download." then there should be a link that has "Awhoo Movies." something like that. then you type in what you wanna watch, and PRESTO! there's the show. But you can choose if you wanna watch it by megavideo, and some other options. have fun! :D
Revenge of the brides
Some of my favorite shows on Netflix are:The OfficeParks and RecreationArrested DevelopmentSons of AnarchyCosmosBreaking BadFreaks and Geeks
Hello kitty
The following list contains good steampunk animes Simoun, Howl's Moving Castle, Steamboy and Samurai 7.
You can watch alot of animes off of I rent a lot of the animes I watch off of as well. Oh by the way is an online thing so you can watch them from your computer, but if were you get the DVDs in the mail and then send them back after your done watching them!^_^ is goood
Netflix "Watch Instantly" requires Silverlight to be installed.
Most animes in Japan can be found in American. However, some may not be dubbed in english. Luckily, people can translate and put subtitles on the animes to help others enjoy good animes. =]
There are many different animes with yanderes characters. Some of the famous ones include Hikurishi, Elfen Lied, and Higurashi no Nuko. You can try these out and see if they captivate you.
Well, there are many, but I don't watch them that often. Some I know are:-Tokyo Mew Mew, or Mew Mew Power in English.-Lovely Complex, or Love Com in English.
A good one is Aquarion, it's funny and it teaches a lesson about teamwork, but in a way that you understand and it's not just boring. Black Butler is another one it shows our darker side and what we will do in hard and strange times. Angel Beats is really good for finding who you are and what you can do and if you want something gory watch Claymore. If you want to laugh until you cry watch Hetalia: Axis Powers, it teaches history, but you will have the worst stomach pains from laughing so hard during these five minute episodes.
well ima big otaku and ive been searching for animes just like that