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all have jointed feet arthropod means jointed foot for every human there are 1,000,000 ants
intrresting facts about arthropods all have exoskeleton and they are divided into

sections also some like crabs and shrimp with gills

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12y ago
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11y ago

There are more than 1.1 million members of the phylum Arthropoda. They were one of the first land animals, to be more specific, the tadpole shrimp or Lepidurus Packardi. This is the oldest living type of animal, and their body make-up & structure has not changed from when they first were on Earth. Due to this, they are nicknamed "living fossils".

Arthropods have segmented bodies.

Arthropods have an exoskeleton. This provides structural support and protection.

Arthropods take up 3/4 of all living things & fossils.

They have different reproduction methods. There are even hermaphrodite arthropods, and they fertilize their own egg.

Arthropods have an open circulatory system.

When they grow, they molt their exoskeleton. An example of molting is like when a hermitcrab molts its outer layer of skin.
Arthropods are called the eumetazoa, which means that they develop germ layers and have vascular tissues and organs develop. Arthropods are triploblastic (form three germ layers, endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm). They have an exoskeleton which molts, contain compounds eyes, and jointed appendages. Phylum Arthropod contains classes such as Insecta, Arachnida, and Crustacea. Insecta would include bettles, butterflies, and grasshoppers. Arachnida would include Spiders, Scorpions, and Mites. Crustacea would include, Lobsters, Crabs, and Shrimp.

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11y ago

Arthropods are characterized by segmented bodies, an exoskeleton made from chitin, and joint appendages. They have an internal body cavity (hemocoel) and an open circulatory system which employs hemolymph, a fluid that does not distinguish between interstitial fluid like lymph and oxygen carrying fluid like blood as in most vertebrates. Those that oxygenate their hemolymph largely use a copper-based oxygen carrier molecule instead of the iron-based hemoglobin, which floats freely around in the hemolymph and is not bound to blood cell proteins. They do not have a dedicated and separate branch of their circulatory system just to oxygenate; internal organs (and cells) are simply bathed in this fluid. Many arthropods (e.g., insects) oxygenate directly from the air through tubules connected to holes (spiracles) in their body segments. Their nervous system is 'ladder-like' on their ventral surface, and their brains formed around the esophagus from fused segment nerve ganglia.

They also are the most diverse in species, with the highest count known of described species in any phylum. Over a million species under phylum arthropoda have been described and biologists estimate that millions of species have yet to be described. They boast the highest biomass of any living animal.

Under arthropoda are subphyla Chelicerata, Myriapoda, Crustacea, and Hexapoda. There is also an extinct class Marrellomorpha and an the extinct Trilobite subphylum. The chelicerata, like spiders, scorpions, mites, etc., get their name from having appendages appear before the mouth; myriapods like centipedes and millipedes characterized by a high count of body segments and legs; crustaceans like crabs, shrimp, woodlice characterized by their biramous (two-part) limbs and a nauplius larval form; hexapoda named for their consolidated thorax with three pairs of legs. The vast majority of Arthropod species are insects.

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16y ago

they are invertabres that is a total myth

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What are facts true about all arthropods?

Arthropods are characterized by segmented bodies, an exoskeleton made from chitin, and joint appendages.

What are some animals in the phylum arthropods?

Some animals in phylum arthropods is a spider, centipedes or crabs.

What are some different types of arthropods?

Golly! There are tons of arthropods! Spiders are arachnids, which are arthropods. So are centipedes. Lobsters and crabs (and I think crayfish) are types of crustaceans, which are arthropods. And every insect you ever met, including ants, bees, wasps, and beetles, are arthropods.

How do you arthropods reproduce?

Arthropods reproduce sexually . Fertilization is mostly internal but in some species it is indirect . In most arthropods fertilization is direct . Most arthropods are oviparous i.e. they lay eggs . Metamorphosis takes place .

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Some arthropods can produce a smelly odor like a carabid beetle or some millipedes. Some will bleed a toxic blood to destroy their enemies.

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Do arthropods have cehphlathorax?

Only some arthropods have a cephalothorax, like for example the lobster. Other arthropods have functionally separate (or non-fused) head and thorax, like many insects.

Is the trachea found in all arthropods?

No, not all. Remember some arthropods are aquatic; the spiracle/trachea/tracheole system utilized by terrestrial insects is largely replaced by gills in marine arthropods.

What kind of symetry do arthropods have?

some have bilaterial some don't have any

What are 3 special facts that makes a arthropod unique?

Arthropods are characterized by segmented bodies, an exoskeleton made from chitin, and joint appendages.