

Best Answer

A hard c is usually followed by A, O, or U and is pronounced as K.

A soft c is usually followed by E, I, or Y and is pronounced as S.

Hard C's sound like K's.

  1. Abduct
  2. Accord
  3. Accost
  4. Accuse
  5. Acorn
  6. Across
  7. Actor
  8. Actress
  9. Alcoholic
  10. Alcohol
  11. Allocate
  12. Almanac
  13. Antic
  14. Aquatic
  15. Arcade
  16. Arctic
  17. Article
  18. Articulate
  19. Attic
  20. Authentic
  21. Autistic
  22. Bacon
  23. Bandicoot
  24. Beacon
  25. Became
  26. Become
  27. Biblical
  28. Biological
  29. Bionic
  30. Cabbage
  31. Cabaret
  32. Cab
  33. Cabernet
  34. Cabinet
  35. Cabin
  36. Cactus
  37. Cadaver
  38. Caiman
  39. Cairn
  40. Cake
  41. Calculate
  42. Calculator
  43. Calf
  44. Calico
  45. Calm
  46. Calvary
  47. Came
  48. Camel
  49. Camera
  50. Cameraman
  51. Camper
  52. Camp
  53. Canaan
  54. Canary
  55. Candy
  56. Canine
  57. Canon
  58. Canyon
  59. Cape
  60. Caper
  61. Capri
  62. Capybara
  63. Caracal
  64. Caramel
  65. Carbohydrate
  66. Carbon
  67. Carcass
  68. Card
  69. Cardinal
  70. Care
  71. Caribou
  72. Caricature
  73. Carob
  74. Carnage
  75. Carnal
  76. Carnival
  77. Carnivorous
  78. Carnivore
  79. Carpet
  80. Carpi
  81. Carp
  82. Carriage
  83. Carry
  84. Cars
  85. Carton
  86. Cartoon
  87. Cart
  88. Cask
  89. Cassowary
  90. Castle
  91. Catatonic
  92. Caterpillar
  93. Catfish
  94. Cathedral
  95. Catholic
  96. Cattle
  97. Cat
  98. Caulk
  99. Cavalry
  100. Cave
  101. Caveman
  102. Cavern
  103. Chameleon
  104. Character
  105. Chemical
  106. Chemistry
  107. Chemotherapy
  108. Cherubic
  109. Chic
  110. Chicken
  111. Chick
  112. Chocolate
  113. Choreographer
  114. Choreographic
  115. Choreography
  116. Christmas
  117. Chrome
  118. Chromosome
  119. Chromosphere
  120. Chronic
  121. Chthonic
  122. Chyme
  123. Claim
  124. Clam
  125. Clark
  126. Classical
  127. Classic
  128. Class
  129. Cleft
  130. Clerical
  131. Cleric
  132. Clerk
  133. Cliff
  134. Clinical
  135. Clinic
  136. Clock
  137. Clog
  138. Close
  139. Clothe
  140. Cloth
  141. Clover
  142. Cluster
  143. Coarse
  144. Coastal
  145. Coast
  146. Coati
  147. Coax
  148. Coaxial
  149. Cobra
  150. Cockatoo
  151. Cockroach
  152. Cocoa
  153. Coconut
  154. Cocoon
  155. Coffee
  156. Coke
  157. Cola
  158. Coliseum
  159. Collage
  160. Collagen
  161. Collapse
  162. Collar
  163. Colleague
  164. Collection
  165. Collect
  166. College
  167. Collie
  168. Cologne
  169. Colonel
  170. Colonial
  171. Colony
  172. Color
  173. Colossal
  174. Colosseum
  175. Comb
  176. Combination
  177. Combine
  178. Combo
  179. Comedian
  180. Comet
  181. Comfortable
  182. Comfort
  183. Comic
  184. Commemorate
  185. Comment
  186. Commitment
  187. Commit
  188. Commode
  189. Common
  190. Commotion
  191. Communicative
  192. Communion
  193. Community
  194. Commute
  195. Compact
  196. Companion
  197. Compassionate
  198. Compassion
  199. Compatible
  200. Compensate
  201. Compensation
  202. Compete
  203. Competent
  204. Competition
  205. Competitive
  206. Complementary
  207. Complete
  208. Completion
  209. Complexion
  210. Complex
  211. Complicate
  212. Complication
  213. Complimentary
  214. Compulsion
  215. Compulsive
  216. Compute
  217. Computer
  218. Concave
  219. Concentrate
  220. Concentration
  221. Concoct
  222. Concurrent
  223. Concur
  224. Concussion
  225. Condemn
  226. Condense
  227. Condominium
  228. Condo
  229. Condor
  230. Conduct
  231. Conduction
  232. Conductor
  233. Confessional
  234. Confession
  235. Confess
  236. Conflict
  237. Confuse
  238. Confusion
  239. Congestion
  240. Congest
  241. Congo
  242. Congratulates
  243. Congratulations
  244. Congregate
  245. Congregation
  246. Congress
  247. Conjugate
  248. Conjugation
  249. Conjunction
  250. Conjure
  251. Connection
  252. Connect
  253. Conquer
  254. Conquest
  255. Conquistador
  256. Consecrate
  257. Consecration
  258. Consecutive
  259. Consecutively
  260. Conservation
  261. Conservative
  262. Consideration
  263. Consider
  264. Cosmetology
  265. Cosmic
  266. Cosmo
  267. Cosmopolitan
  268. Consolation
  269. Console
  270. Consolidate
  271. Consonant
  272. Conspicuous
  273. Constant
  274. Constellation
  275. Constituent
  276. Constitution
  277. Constrictor
  278. Constrict
  279. Construction
  280. Construct
  281. Construe
  282. Consult
  283. Container
  284. Contain
  285. Contemplate
  286. Contemplation
  287. Contemporary
  288. Content
  289. Continent
  290. Continue
  291. Continuous
  292. Converge
  293. Conversation
  294. Converse
  295. Convert
  296. Convolution
  297. Convulsion
  298. Cookie
  299. Cook
  300. Cooperate
  301. Coop
  302. Coot
  303. Cope
  304. Copper
  305. Cop
  306. Coral
  307. Cord
  308. Cordial
  309. Cork
  310. Cormorant
  311. Cornea
  312. Corneal
  313. Corn
  314. Corona
  315. Coronation
  316. Corporal
  317. Corporate
  318. Corporation
  319. Corral
  320. Correction
  321. Correct
  322. Cost
  323. Cotton
  324. Cottontail
  325. Couple
  326. Cougar
  327. Counsel
  328. Counter
  329. Country
  330. Count
  331. County
  332. Coupe
  333. Couple
  334. Coup
  335. Courage
  336. Courier
  337. Course
  338. Court
  339. Couscous
  340. Cover
  341. Covert
  342. Coward
  343. Cowhide
  344. Cow
  345. Cox
  346. Coyote
  347. Coypu
  348. Cozy
  349. Crab
  350. Craft
  351. Crake
  352. Cram
  353. Cramp
  354. Crane
  355. Cranium
  356. Crash
  357. Crawl
  358. Crayon
  359. Cream
  360. Credit
  361. Creed
  362. Creek
  363. Creep
  364. Creme
  365. Crept
  366. Cress
  367. Crest
  368. Crib
  369. Crime
  370. Criminal
  371. Crimson
  372. Cripple
  373. Crisp
  374. Crispy
  375. Crock
  376. Crocodile
  377. Crocus
  378. Croissant
  379. Crooked
  380. Crook
  381. Crop
  382. Cross
  383. Crowd
  384. Crown
  385. Crow
  386. Crude
  387. Cruel
  388. Crumble
  389. Crumb
  390. Crunch
  391. Crutch
  392. Cryptic
  393. Crypt
  394. Cry
  395. Cubic
  396. Cubicle
  397. Cuckoo
  398. Cucumber
  399. Cuddle
  400. Cue
  401. Culpable
  402. Culpeo
  403. Cultivate
  404. Cultivation
  405. Cupid
  406. Cupboard
  407. Cup
  408. Curassow
  409. Cure
  410. Curlew
  411. Curl
  412. Curly
  413. Current
  414. Curry
  415. Curve
  416. Cuscus
  417. Custard
  418. Cute
  419. Cuttlefish
  420. Cut
  421. Deacon
  422. Declare
  423. Decorate
  424. Decor
  425. Deduct
  426. Democratic
  427. Democrat
  428. Depict
  429. Describe
  430. Description
  431. Dictator
  432. Dictionary
  433. Direction
  434. Directory
  435. Direct
  436. Disc
  437. Disco
  438. Discontinue
  439. Discount
  440. Discussion
  441. Discuss
  442. Duct
  443. Eject
  444. Epic
  445. Escape
  446. Ethic
  447. Ethnic
  448. Evict
  449. Exact
  450. Execution
  451. Expect
  452. Factor
  453. Factory
  454. Fact
  455. Fiction
  456. Fluctuate
  457. Fraction
  458. Friction
  459. Galactic
  460. Genetic
  461. Graphic
  462. Hack
  463. Hick
  464. Hockey
  465. Iconic
  466. Icon
  467. Ionic
  468. Immaculate
  469. Inconsolable
  470. Incorporate
  471. Junction
  472. Justification
  473. Lactate
  474. Lactose
  475. Lecture
  476. Local
  477. Locate
  478. Location
  479. Lyrical
  480. Lyric
  481. Macaque
  482. Macaroni
  483. Macro
  484. Magical
  485. Magic
  486. Magnetic
  487. Majestic
  488. Manic
  489. Manicure
  490. Masculine
  491. Materialistic
  492. Mathematical
  493. Medical
  494. Medication
  495. Medic
  496. Micro
  497. Microscope
  498. Microwave
  499. Miniscule
  500. Musical
  501. Music
  502. Mystic
  503. Narc
  504. Obscure
  505. Occasion
  506. Occupy
  507. Occur
  508. Oracle
  509. Organic
  510. Pecan
  511. Peccary
  512. Peculiar
  513. Pediatric
  514. Pedicure
  515. Pelican
  516. Pentacle
  517. Physical
  518. Physic
  519. Pica
  520. Piccolo
  521. Picnic
  522. Picture
  523. Prediction
  524. Predict
  525. Prescribe
  526. Proclaim
  527. Proclamation
  528. Procure
  529. Production
  530. Product
  531. Prosecution
  532. Psychic
  533. Psychology
  534. Psychologist
  535. Raccoon
  536. Realistic
  537. Recall
  538. Recant
  539. Recollect
  540. Recon
  541. Reconsider
  542. Record
  543. Rectory
  544. Reluctant
  545. Republican
  546. Republic
  547. Rescue
  548. Respect
  549. Scam
  550. Scamp
  551. Scape
  552. Scare
  553. Scar
  554. Scope
  555. Score
  556. Scribe
  557. Scrip
  558. Script
  559. Secret
  560. Secure
  561. Security
  562. Skeptic
  563. Spec
  564. Spectacle
  565. Speculate
  566. Stoic
  567. Subscribe
  568. Sync
  569. Synchronize
  570. Taco
  571. Tactical
  572. Tactic
  573. Tractor
  574. Uric
  575. Vector
  576. Victory
  577. Viscount
  578. Wacko
  579. Wacky
  580. Whack
  581. Wicked
  582. Wicker
  583. Yack
  584. Yuck
  585. Yucky
  586. Zinc
  587. Zircon

Soft C's sound like S's.

  1. Absence
  2. Abstinence
  3. Abundance
  4. Ace
  5. Adjacent
  6. Adolescence
  7. Adolescent
  8. Advance
  9. Advice
  10. Affluence
  11. Allegiance
  12. Allowance
  13. Ambiance
  14. Ambivalence
  15. Ambulance
  16. Amerce
  17. Ancient
  18. Annoyance
  19. Anticipate
  20. Appearance
  21. Appliance
  22. Apprentice
  23. Arrogance
  24. Artificial
  25. Ascent
  26. Assistance
  27. Assurance
  28. Atrocious
  29. Attendance
  30. Audacious
  31. Audience
  32. Auspicious
  33. Avarice
  34. Balance
  35. Beneficial
  36. Beneficiary
  37. Benevolence
  38. Brilliance
  39. Bodacious
  40. Bodice
  41. Bounce
  42. Bouncy
  43. Buoyancy
  44. Brace
  45. Cease
  46. Cedar
  47. Cede
  48. Ceder
  49. Ceiling
  50. Celebrate
  51. Celebration
  52. Celebrity
  53. Celery
  54. Celestial
  55. Celibacy
  56. Celibate
  57. Cellar
  58. Cell
  59. Cellmate
  60. Cellophane
  61. Cellphone
  62. Cellular
  63. Cellulite
  64. Celluloid
  65. Cement
  66. Cemetery
  67. Cenotaph
  68. Censer
  69. Censorship
  70. Censor
  71. Centennial
  72. Center
  73. Centigram
  74. Centimeter
  75. Centipede
  76. Central
  77. Cent
  78. Centurion
  79. Century
  80. Cereal
  81. Cerebellum
  82. Cerebral
  83. Cerebrum
  84. Ceremonial
  85. Ceremony
  86. Cerise
  87. Certain
  88. Certify
  89. Cerulean
  90. Cesarean
  91. Cessation
  92. Cesspool
  93. Chalice
  94. Chance
  95. Choice
  96. Cider
  97. Cigarette
  98. Cigar
  99. Cilantro
  100. Cinch
  101. Cinder
  102. Cinema
  103. Cinnamon
  104. Cinquain
  105. Cistern
  106. Cist
  107. Cite
  108. Citizen
  109. Citrus
  110. City
  111. Civet
  112. Civilian
  113. Civilization
  114. Civil
  115. Cyanide
  116. Cyan
  117. Cyberspace
  118. Cylinder
  119. Cymbal
  120. Cypress
  121. Cyst
  122. Cytoplasm
  123. Cytoskeleton
  124. Cytologist
  125. Cytology
  126. Dace
  127. Dance
  128. Decent
  129. Decide
  130. Deduce
  131. Defiance
  132. Deficiency
  133. Deficient
  134. Deice
  135. Delicious
  136. Deliverance
  137. Descendant
  138. Deuce
  139. Device
  140. Difference
  141. Distance
  142. Disturbance
  143. Dice
  144. Disservice
  145. Divergence
  146. Divorce
  147. Docile
  148. Domicile
  149. Durance
  150. Effervescence
  151. Effervescent
  152. Efficiency
  153. Efficient
  154. Efflorescence
  155. Elegance
  156. Eloquence
  157. Emancipate
  158. Endurance
  159. Enforce
  160. Enforcement
  161. Enhance
  162. Enhancement
  163. Entice
  164. Entrance
  165. Essence
  166. Evanescence
  167. Evidence
  168. Evince
  169. Existence
  170. Exorcise
  171. Exorcism
  172. Exorcist
  173. Expedience
  174. Experience
  175. Face
  176. Facile
  177. Facility
  178. Facsimile
  179. Fallacious
  180. Fancy
  181. Farce
  182. Fascism
  183. Fence
  184. Ferocious
  185. Fiance
  186. Fiancee
  187. Fierce
  188. Finance
  189. Financial
  190. Flagrance
  191. Flagrancy
  192. Flatulence
  193. Fleece
  194. Fluorescent
  195. Force
  196. Fragrance
  197. Freelance
  198. Glacial
  199. Glance
  200. Grace
  201. Gracious
  202. Grievance
  203. Guidance
  204. Hallucinate
  205. Hallucinogen
  206. Hence
  207. Hesitance
  208. Hindrance
  209. Hospice
  210. Ice
  211. Icy
  212. Ignorance
  213. Imbalance
  214. Immanence
  215. Importance
  216. Incense
  217. Incentive
  218. Inception
  219. Incessant
  220. Independence
  221. Indecent
  222. Influence
  223. Inheritance
  224. Injustice
  225. Innocence
  226. Innocent
  227. Insignificance
  228. Insincere
  229. Instance
  230. Insufficient
  231. Insurance
  232. Intelligence
  233. Intolerance
  234. Invincible
  235. Irrelevance
  236. Issuance
  237. Jaundice
  238. Judicial
  239. Judiciary
  240. Juice
  241. Juicy
  242. Justice
  243. Lace
  244. Lacy
  245. Lance
  246. Lettuce
  247. Lice
  248. Licorice
  249. Lucid
  250. Luscious
  251. Lyricism
  252. Lyricist
  253. Mace
  254. Magnificent
  255. Maintenance
  256. Maleficent
  257. Malice
  258. Malicious
  259. Mathematician
  260. Menace
  261. Mice
  262. Mince
  263. Multiprocessor
  264. Nance
  265. narcissist
  266. Niece
  267. Nice
  268. Notice
  269. Novice
  270. Obedience
  271. Ocean
  272. Office
  273. Official
  274. Omniscience
  275. Omniscient
  276. Omnipotence
  277. Overprice
  278. Pace
  279. Parcel
  280. Peace
  281. Pearce
  282. Pediatrician
  283. Penance
  284. Pence
  285. Pencil
  286. Perceive
  287. Percent
  288. Percipience
  289. Physician
  290. Physicist
  291. Piece
  292. Pierce
  293. Place
  294. Police
  295. Policeman
  296. Policewoman
  297. Policy
  298. Prance
  299. Precedent
  300. Precious
  301. Prejudice
  302. Price
  303. Prince
  304. Process
  305. Produce
  306. Proficient
  307. Province
  308. Publicist
  309. Puce
  310. Quince
  311. Race
  312. Racism
  313. Racist
  314. Rance
  315. Rancid
  316. Recede
  317. Receipt
  318. Receive
  319. Recent
  320. Receptacle
  321. Reception
  322. Recess
  323. Recidivism
  324. Reduce
  325. Reinforce
  326. Repentance
  327. Residence
  328. Resistance
  329. Resource
  330. Rice
  331. Sacrifice
  332. Sauce
  333. Saucy
  334. Science
  335. Service
  336. Since
  337. Sincere
  338. Slice
  339. Sluice
  340. Social
  341. Sociologist
  342. Sociology
  343. Solstice
  344. Source
  345. Space
  346. Spacious
  347. Special
  348. Specie
  349. Specify
  350. Specimen
  351. Spice
  352. Spicy
  353. Splice
  354. Stance
  355. Suffice
  356. Sufficiency
  357. Sufficient
  358. Superficial
  359. Suspicious
  360. Tenacious
  361. Thence
  362. Thrice
  363. Trace
  364. Trance
  365. Transcendence
  366. Transcendent
  367. Transference
  368. Translucent
  369. Trice
  370. Truce
  371. Twice
  372. Unconscious
  373. Unofficial
  374. Vagrancy
  375. Variance
  376. Vice
  377. Vicinity
  378. Vicious
  379. Vigilance
  380. Vince
  381. Violence
  382. Vivacious
  383. Voice
  384. Voracious
  385. Whence
  386. Wince
  387. Workforce
  388. Yance

Has BOTH Sounds of Hard and Soft C:

  1. Accent
  2. Accentuate
  3. Acceptance
  4. Accept
  5. Accessorize
  6. Accessory
  7. Access
  8. Accident
  9. Accomplice
  10. Accordance
  11. Accuracy
  12. Anarchistic
  13. Bicycle
  14. Cadence
  15. Cancellation
  16. Cancel
  17. Capacious
  18. Caprice
  19. Capricious
  20. Cappuccino
  21. Capuchin
  22. Carcinogenic
  23. Carcinogen
  24. Catholicism
  25. Celtic
  26. Centric
  27. Certificate
  28. Certification
  29. Cervical
  30. Cinematic
  31. Circle
  32. Circuitous
  33. Circuit
  34. Circular
  35. Circumcise
  36. Circumference
  37. Circumstance
  38. Circus
  39. Cisco
  40. Civic
  41. Clairvoyance
  42. Clearance
  43. Cockatrice
  44. Codependency
  45. Coefficient
  46. Coerce
  47. Coercive
  48. Coexistence
  49. Cognizance
  50. Coherence
  51. Coincide
  52. Coincidence
  53. Coincidental
  54. Coincident
  55. Comeuppance
  56. Commence
  57. Commerce
  58. Commercial
  59. Commonplace
  60. Competence
  61. Competency
  62. Complacence
  63. Complacency
  64. Complacent
  65. Compliance
  66. Concede
  67. Conceit
  68. Conceivable
  69. Conceive
  70. Concentrate
  71. Concentric
  72. Concept
  73. Concern
  74. Concert
  75. Concession
  76. Concise
  77. Concordance
  78. Concupiscence
  79. Concurrence
  80. Condescend
  81. Condolence
  82. Conducive
  83. Confederacy
  84. Conference
  85. Confidence
  86. Confluence
  87. Conformance
  88. Congruence
  89. Congruency
  90. Conscience
  91. Conscientious
  92. Conscious
  93. Consequence
  94. Conservancy
  95. Consistency
  96. Consonance
  97. Constance
  98. Constancy
  99. Constituency
  100. Consultancy
  101. Continence
  102. Contingency
  103. Continuance
  104. Contumacy
  105. Convalescence
  106. Convalescent
  107. Convenience
  108. Convergence
  109. Conveyance
  110. Convince
  111. Coppice
  112. Correspondence
  113. Cornice
  114. Council
  115. Countenance
  116. Counterintelligence
  117. Cowardice
  118. Crawlspace
  119. Credence
  120. Crescent
  121. Crevice
  122. Criticism
  123. Criticize
  124. Crucial
  125. Currency
  126. Curvaceous
  127. Cybernetic
  128. Cycle
  129. Cyclist
  130. Cyclone
  131. Cyclops
  132. Cylindrical
  133. Cynical
  134. Cynic
  135. Cystic
  136. Decadence
  137. Eccentric
  138. Electricity
  139. Encyclopedia
  140. Excrescence
  141. Expectancies
  142. Expectancy
  143. Hallucinogenic
  144. Inaccuracy
  145. Inaccessible
  146. Incandescent
  147. Inconceivable
  148. Inconvenience
  149. Insignificance
  150. Malpractice
  151. Narcissistic
  152. Necklace
  153. Occurrence
  154. Oceanic
  155. Practice
  156. Recalcitrant
  157. Reciprocal
  158. Recognizance
  159. Recycle
  160. Reconcile
  161. Scarce
  162. Specific
  163. Succeed
  164. Success
  165. Tricycle
  166. Unicycle
  167. Vacancy
  168. Vaccine
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10mo ago

Soft c examples: circle, city, celery Hard c examples: cat, cup, car

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Q: What are some examples of soft c or hard c words?
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What are some examples of soft g?

Hard G will usually take a hard sound when A, O, or U comes after it (not all the time). The hard g will make a guh sound.Soft G will usually take a soft sound when E, I, or Y comes after it (not all the time). The soft G makes a J sound.Some hard G examples:AlligatorBeggarDragonGargoyleGuessGumboMangoSmuggleTangoSome soft G examples:AngelBungeeDungeonEdgeForgeMagicRegionSurgeonSome examples containing BOTH hard & soft G:EngageGadgetGageGarageGarbageGaugeGigoloGorgeGorgeousGougeGrudge

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What are some words that have both a soft c and a hard c in them?

Hard C's sound like K's.Ex: cake, cookie, cupSoft C's sound like S's.Ex: celery, cider, citySome examples that have BOTH the hard and soft c sound are:AccentAccentuateAcceptanceAcceptAccessorizeAccessoryAccessAccidentAccompliceAccordanceAccuracyAnarchisticBicycleCadenceCancellationCancelCapaciousCapriceCapriciousCappuccinoCapuchinCarcinogenicCarcinogenCatholicismCelticCentricCervicalCinematicCircleCircuitousCircuitCircularCircumciseCircumferenceCircumstanceCircusCiscoCivicClairvoyanceClearanceCockatriceCodependencyCoerceCoerciveCoexistenceCognizanceCoherenceCoincideCoincidenceCoincidentalCoincidentComeuppanceCommenceCommerceCommercialCommonplaceCompetenceCompetencyComplacenceComplacencyComplacentComplianceConcedeConceitConceivableConceiveConcentrateConcentricConceptConcernConcertConcessionConciseConcordanceConcupiscenceConcurrenceCondescendCondolenceConduciveConfederacyConferenceConfidenceConfluenceConformanceCongruenceCongruencyConscienceConscientiousConsciousConsequenceConservancyConsistencyConsonanceConstanceConstancyConstituencyConsultancyContinenceContingencyContinuanceContumacyConvalescenceConvalescentConvenienceConvergenceConveyanceConvinceCoppiceCorrespondenceCorniceCouncilCountenanceCounterintelligenceCowardiceCrawlspaceCredenceCrescentCreviceCriticismCriticizeCrucialCurrencyCurvaceousCyberneticCycleCyclistCycloneCyclopsCylindricalCynicalCynicCysticDecadenceEccentricElectricityEncyclopediaExcrescenceExpectanciesExpectancyHallucinogenicInaccuracyInaccessibleIncandescentInconceivableInconvenienceInsignificanceMalpracticeNarcissisticNecklaceOccurrenceOceanicPracticeRecalcitrantReciprocalRecognizanceRecycleReconcileScarceSpecificSucceedSuccessTricycleUnicycleVacancyVaccine

Is metal a hard substance?

No. Some metals are hard, but some are soft.

What are some examples of soft brittle hard materials?

iron and copper are hard materials .

What are words with a hard c sound and begin with the letter k?

There are actually numerous words that make the hard "c" sound and begin with a "k".A couple examples would be the words kite and kabob.When the vowels A, O, or U come after the letter "C", it will produce the "K" sound making it a hard "C".Some examples of words beginning with K and hard C:KaleidoscopeKickKilometricalKilometric

What are examples of one syllable words beginning with h?

Here are some examples: Hat Hot High Hog

Is wood soft?

some wood can be soft but most wood is hard

Different types of wood?

There are two types of wood soft and hard. Some species include: Pine(soft), Balsa(soft), Bass(soft), Oak(hard), Walnut(hard), Cherry(hard) Some different ways to cut these woods include: Rift, Quarter and Flat

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What are hard words that has a plural?

Some examples of hard words that have irregular plurals are: oxen, children, criteria, and phenomena. These words do not follow the typical rule of adding "s" or "es" to form their plural form.