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one example is in book 4, lines 110-114 (may be different depending on what version of the text you have) Where Menelaus mentions how upset Odysseus' family must be, however he does not know he is speaking to Odysseus' son, Telemachus

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5mo ago

Some examples of imagery in The Odyssey include the image of Odysseus tied to the mast listening to the Sirens' song, the vast expanse of the sea as Odysseus sails home, the intricate descriptions of the landscapes and locations visited, and the vivid depictions of the gods and mythical creatures encountered throughout the epic.

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10y ago

Some example of imagery in the Odyssey would be: Argos, the sea, linens, the bed, omens, and Odysseus's Bow. Odysseus's Bow is also an example of symbolism.

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