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Q: What are some barbarian tribes of eruope?
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Related questions

What areas of Europe did the barbarian tribes conquered?

Barbarian tribes were present all over Europe.

Where did the most of Invaders of the roman Empire Originate?

Germanic barbarian tribes

What were some of the names of the barbarian tribes that invaded the Roman empire?

Franks, Goths, Visigoths, lombards and countless other germanic tribes

Who lead the defeat of the Egyptians?

Barbarian tribes

How do you use the word barbarian in a sentence?

The warrior tribes were known for their barbarian ways and fierce fighting skills.

What groups of invaders threatened Europe?

The barbarian tribes threatened Europe. The word "barbarian " is Greek for the "other".

What are the three barbarian tribes?

Freemenik, Gunnar's and Lunars

Which of barbarian tribes contolled what is now France and Germany?

The Franks.

What are the barbarian tribe?

Barbarian tribes are formed from different parts of the while village or world. Each tribe would have their own ways.

Where did most of the invaders of the roman empir originate?

Germanic barbarian tribes

Which city did refugees fleeing marauding barbarian tribes found in the middle of a lagoon?


Who finally defeated the last Roman emperor?

The last Roman emperor was overthrown by Odoacer who was elected king of several united Germanic tribes. He was e first "barbarian" to rule Italy.The last Roman emperor was overthrown by Odoacer who was elected king of several united Germanic tribes. He was e first "barbarian" to rule Italy.The last Roman emperor was overthrown by Odoacer who was elected king of several united Germanic tribes. He was e first "barbarian" to rule Italy.The last Roman emperor was overthrown by Odoacer who was elected king of several united Germanic tribes. He was e first "barbarian" to rule Italy.The last Roman emperor was overthrown by Odoacer who was elected king of several united Germanic tribes. He was e first "barbarian" to rule Italy.The last Roman emperor was overthrown by Odoacer who was elected king of several united Germanic tribes. He was e first "barbarian" to rule Italy.The last Roman emperor was overthrown by Odoacer who was elected king of several united Germanic tribes. He was e first "barbarian" to rule Italy.The last Roman emperor was overthrown by Odoacer who was elected king of several united Germanic tribes. He was e first "barbarian" to rule Italy.The last Roman emperor was overthrown by Odoacer who was elected king of several united Germanic tribes. He was e first "barbarian" to rule Italy.