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Q: What are some adaptations that help the peacock survive from other animals?
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How are physical and behavioral adaptations helpful to animals?

Physical adaptations help animals survive by giving them characteristics such as camouflage, protective structures, or specialized body parts for hunting or gathering food. Behavioral adaptations, on the other hand, involve actions animals take to survive, such as migration, hibernation, or hunting strategies. Together, physical and behavioral adaptations increase an animal's chances of survival and reproduction in their environment.

What animals eat the peacock?

Dogs and other carnivorous animals.

What was Hera animal and symbol?

Hera's sacred animals are the peacock, and the cow. The peacock is most sacred.

Do peacock compete with other animals?


What are other animals that signified Hera?

The peacock (especially the male peacock with it's beautiful feathers).

How is camouflage an adaptation?

Camouflage is an adaptation because it helps the organisms to survive without being prey to other animals or organisms. Adaptations help an animal to survive so having camouflage helps the animal not to be eaten!

Why are animals stronger then humans?

Well, not all animals are stronger than humans, but the animals which are stronger than humans like elephants for example, is because they have adaptations to be strong which they need to get food or fight other animals to protect their young, food or territory to survive in their environment. Whereas humans rely on other ways to survive like our intelligence, although we are strong to a certain extent.

Is a peacock a enemy to other things?

some animals might eat peacock "like a tiger" says liam. '' or a leeopard'' i reply

What are adaptations of saltwater animals?

Saltwater animals have adaptations such as special glands to excrete excess salt, streamlined bodies for efficient swimming, and camouflage to avoid predators. Some animals have symbiotic relationships with other species to help them survive in the harsh saltwater environment. Ultimately, these adaptations help saltwater animals thrive in their ocean habitats.

What are survival adaptations?

If an animals habitat used to be snowy but then the weather and climate changed to a jungle that animal needs to adapt and change its characteristics to survive or else that animals species will die out.

Do other animals in this environment have similar adaptations with the lions?


What do anaerobic animals not need to survive?

Anaerobic animals (and other substances) survive without oxygen.