

Best Answer

C-hrist gave

H-imself as a

R-eward so that

I-ndviduals know the


T-hat He did for

M-ankind to

A-chieve the gift of


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Q: What are some acronymns of the word 'Christmas'?
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What are some of the holidays celebrated in Italy?

Natale (Italian word for Christmas) Natale (Italian word for Christmas)

What type of pronoun is the word Christmas?

The word Christmas is not a pronoun, it is a noun. Christmas is a singular, proper, abstract noun or an adjective. Example uses:Noun: This Christmas we will be visiting my grandmother.Adjective: We will bring her some Christmas gifts.

What are some Christmas word in spanish?

If you want to say "Merry Christmas", It is "Feliz Navidad"

Why do some people not believe in Christmas?

Some people don't believe in Christmas because they have a different religion. another reason is people don't like the word christ in the word Christmas and some christians don't like the santa stuff

What are some Christmas words that begin with the letter n?

Noel is a Christmas word. Other Christmas words include North Pole, nativity scene and the Christmas song "Nuttin' For Christmas".

What are some Christmas plural nouns?

A noun is a word for a person, a place, or a thing.Examples of nouns that are words for Christmas are:ChristfamilyinfantWise MenSantaBethlehemstablehomechurchshopping mallmangertreereindeerfriendshipThe Spirit of Christmas

What is the Kannada word for 'Christmas'?

There is no separate Kannada word for Christmas, it is called Christmas.

What does DNOC mean?

Insurance: Direct Notice Of Cancellation In medical terms: DNOC = dinitro-orthocresol There are no other acronymns for DNOC

What is the German word for Christmas?

The German word for Christmas is Weihnachten.

Is Christmas a stressed syllable?

NO, Christmas is a word. The word Christmas has two syllables Christ-mas

What are some popular printable party games for Christmas?

One popular printable party games for Christmas is one where you have to find the name of the Christmas Carol based on some pictures or word clues. Another popular Christmas party game is Bingo, where you can have Christmas themes for the cards.

What clothing word can be found in the word Christmas tree?

The word "shirts" is found in Christmas.