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You might be thinking of relatively prime numbers. Two numbers are considered relatively prime if their GCF is 1. 4 and 9 are relatively prime.

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Q: What are related prime numbers?
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They really are not

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When two numbers are relatively prime, the LCM will be their product.

What makes prime numbers and composite numbers related?

Prime numbers are related with composite numbers as they are both natural numbers and real numbers and also every composite number is a product of prime numbers due to which they are related with each other.For example 24=[2] [2] [3] [2].Here 24 is a composite number,real number and natural number and 2,2,3,2 are prime numbers and also they are real and natural numbers

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Prime factors are factors that are also prime numbers.

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The number 59 is prime but 33 is not, I've added a related link below for other prime numbers below.

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One (1) and Zero (0) are NOT prime numbers.See the Related Question below for more information on prime numbers.

How many prime numbers between 2000 and 3000?

127 prime numbers in that range. See related link for prime numbers up to 10000. Plus there is a link to download Zip files of prime numbers up to 1 million.

What are all the prime numbers 1 through 1000?

Scroll down to related links and look at "List of prime numbers - Wikipedia".

What are the prime numbers from to 500?

Click on the related link below.

What are the prime numbers between 0 and 100?

See related link.

First 500 prime numbers?

See the related link below.

Prime numbers between 1 and 4000?

See the related link?