Milk teeth, primary teeth.
Wisdom teeth
yes teeth is also a jawbone and another name for mandible
the another name for primary storage is main storage device.
milk teeth Deciduous teeth. Reborner teeth. Baby teeth. Temporary teeth. Primary teeth. In Asia: Fall teeth. In Europe: Milk teeth.
Primary (or deciduous) teeth, and permanent (adult) teeth.
Another name would be a second-order consumer.
Canine teeth or cuspids or dog teeth or fangs (in the case of the upper jaw).
Another name for dry cells is primary cells.
The primary dentition, or baby teeth, typically consists of 20 teeth while the permanent dentition has 32 teeth, including wisdom teeth. Primary teeth are smaller in size and whiter in color compared to permanent teeth. Additionally, primary teeth help children chew and speak properly, while permanent teeth are meant to last a lifetime.
milk teeth