It is an Olympic sport
Yes he should! But it is up to him and the network that carries him.
no unless they fix their papers
High schools should always have pom squads. They boost school spirit and they're a lot of fun!
There are different opinions on whether or not perfumes containing chametz alcohol are permitted during Pesach. If you're not sure, you should check with your Rabbi. Please see the related link for an explanation of the different opinions.
Yes, because there are several hundred questions related 'Jon and Kate Plus 8' and the Gosselin family.
Yes they should be.
Yes they should be
Children having laptops in school raises different opinions about whether it is right or not. With the technology today, laptops help children do their assignments.
yes and no, yes because it would be so much easier, and no because it would take forever for everyone to accept
of course
Although I have an opinion about heaven, and about whether you make your own, as well as other religious topics, that is one kind of opinion which you should form on your own. Whether you make your own heaven or not, you should definitely make your own religious opinions. Otherwise, everyone is just going to give you their own religious opinion and we have many different opinions, and no real way of resolving our disagreements. Then there are the flame wars, and it gets very ugly.