"Hot" is an English word, of course. "Tamale" is the name of a food made by stuffing a corn husk with corn meal and other ingredients, such as shredded pork. In Spanish the singular is "tamal," and the plural is "tamales" (and the "e" is pronounced. When the word was adopted into English we kept the "e' in the singular.
The word tamale originates from Mexico. Tamales are made of corn husks masa (corn dough) chicken meat or veggies and tomato sauce.
Your a hot tamale
hot tamale.
The duration of Hot Tamale is 1.7 hours.
Hot Tamale Baby was created in 1985.
tamal caliente (tahMAHL cahlYENtay)
Hot Tamale - 2006 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:MA USA:R
Depends on the situation. The literal meaning of "tamale" is well known, it is a type of food very common in many latinoamerican countries. But the figurative meaning may vary. It can be very vulgar: "Hey, do you want to play with my tamale?" Or even grotesque: "That girl has a great tamale, my friend!" So, if you are part of a Spanish group, don't ever say to a girl: "Can I eat your tamale?" -not even in a restaurant.
20 carbs.
the hot tamale
Hot Tamale was created on 2006-04-23.
"gato caliente" means Hot cat in "spanish"
* Hot dog * Hot tamale * Hot peppers * Hot coffee * Hot chocolate * Hot Tea * Hot cross Bun