The public law is that branch of law which determines and regulates the organization and functioning of states (country). Also it regulates the relation of the state (country) with its subjects.
Public law includes (i) constitutional law, (ii) Administrative law (iii) criminal law, (iv) municipal law (v) international law; criminal law is enforced on behalf of or in the name of the state.
On the other hand, private law is that branch of the law which regulates those of the relation of the citizens with one another as are not of public importance .In this sense the state, through its judicial organs, adjudicates the matters in dispute between them.
In other words, it is primarily concerned with the rights and duties of individuals to each other .under it, the legal action is begun by the private citizens to establish rights (In which the state is not primarily concerned) against another citizens or a group of citizens. Private law includes, (i) Law of contract (ii) Law of tort (iii) Law of property (iv) Law of succession, (v) family laws. Private law is sometimes, referred to as civil law. In the case of private law the role of the state is merely to recognize and enforce the relevant law.
The Public Administration Means The Institutions Are Governed By The Public Or Government, And It IsResponsibility Of Government That How To Make Policies.And Private Administration Means That Institution Or Company Or Any Sector Is Governed By The Private Source Or AnyIndividual Person. He Will Be The Supreme Authority Of That Institute And Will Decide How It Deals.
private anf public
car allowance
the private is here to absorve profit which the public secte is not.
is a method to provide financial support for 'public-private partnerships' (PPPs) between the public and private sectors.
check your answer
Well ask yourself what the difference between "public" and "private" is. This isn't rocket science!
public means anyone private means certain people that already knew about the corporation
The difference between public sector and private sector is that when you're in the public sector you work for the government whereas private sector is not. Same applies to accounting.
The main difference between public wants and private wants in business is the key words private and public. Private is personal clientele and their personal needs such as jets, hotels, and restaurants. Public wants are governments costs, marketing, and such.
I take it you mean what are instead of what rare. The private sector is owned by the people. The public sector is owned by the government.
A major difference between a public university and a private university is price.
The Public Administration Means The Institutions Are Governed By The Public Or Government, And It IsResponsibility Of Government That How To Make Policies.And Private Administration Means That Institution Or Company Or Any Sector Is Governed By The Private Source Or AnyIndividual Person. He Will Be The Supreme Authority Of That Institute And Will Decide How It Deals.
Public sectors are owned and/or serviced by the government. Private sector businesses are owned by individuals and do not pay a direct dividend to the government.
Are not organized to make a profit
In Public issue, the issue is not made to select group of people and it is open for public wheras in Private placement an issue is made to particular group of individuals. it this allotment exceeds 50 then the private issue will become public issue