Go To NickToons Com And Search For The Game,Before Hitting PLAY Look In The Left Cornor And See If You Can Figure Out Wut It Means i Cant. Uts in middle of level 1 - 9
the origanal el tigre was born around the midevil around 1300s because they all have 100 year age gaps. he lived in the mixed time of religion and war good and evel mutch like manny last names were invented in the mid evil times rivara for example so he was the first rivara also in that time fictanal magic was popular exapmle his belt that's how the obgects became magic and powerfull the magic of the the midevil times were the origin of his power also the "ancient tiger spirit" was the magic that brought their power to life his son was in the astec shouth America and Mexico he betrated the astacks and married a spanish woman and by the 1500-1600 earlly mirclle city was being formed by then his son defended the new city he was the first offical hero enherreted the spanish...ness his son around the 1700s he had a son who was a pairte his son in the 1800s was like a piolice officer and puma locos dad manny acully does get married to fida and has 3 kids 1 hero 1 villen 1 unidesided
after El Padrino is the El Cacique job tier.
Yes. El is a legal Scrabble word.
the game
El Tigre The Adventures of Manny Rivera - 2007 The Good the Bad and the Tigre was released on: USA: 25 January 2008
The codes are: left left right up down, short tall, happy happy happyp omg <3~! Anyway, More info: El Tigre is a group of seriously amazing people in a certain school... We all rock, I have a tiger in my hair. Therefore I AM EL TIGRE! Rawr... So anyway, my tiger's name is AL. His Gf is Rita. Rita is super duper cute Al Thinks. Coincidentally I also think that about Rita's owner Shannon. Shannon is da pwnage, she will send you to Zimbabwe, you better believe it! She'll pwn your butt in science... :D Anyway, another awesome peep would be Howie... Howie is the greatestl ittle fella ever to be hung on a necklace. Out of the 50 necklaces I have, he's the only and most important one I wear. He's a good howie, though he purrs loudly at night. That's a little overview of the El Tigre family, stay tuned for more, EL TIGRE! NANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANA El Tigre! El Tigre! Whos that super cool cat on the block? It's EL TIGRE! EL TIGRE!! And shannonz is the sidekick El Tigre holds in his hands ;)
El Tigre's population is 147,800.
el tigre means the tiger in spanish
El Tigre
El Tigre was created on 1933-02-03.
El tigre de Yautepec was created in 1933.
El Mono en el Ojo del Tigre was created in 1999.
The cast of El tigre - 1980 includes: Isabel Mestres
That bad boy is pumping out around 1250
El tigre escondido - 2005 is rated/received certificates of: Singapore:R21