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It sometimes depends on the chihuahua's personality. Usually each dog likes a different food. Sometimes peanut butter, Cheerios, cheese or something else. You never know! I have a chihuahua myself and he likes Cheerios, cheese and peanut butter but also meat. As i said before, you never know!

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Q: What are chihuahuas favorite food?
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What is a Chihuahuas favorite snack?

Chihuahua's are like all other dogs...each Chihuahua has their own special favorite snack. Mine loves cheese bits...but she will eat almost any human food if I let her.

Where do chihuahuas eat?

They eat dog food

How old do chihuahuas have to be start eating food?

after 6 weeks

Why do Chihuahuas eat their poo?

Either they are not getting enough food or they are stressed out.

What kind size of dog food do Chihuahuas eat?

its about 2 inches

Can chihuahuas eat table food?

Yes they can mix it with their ordinary food when the chihuahua get use to it give it less of its ordinary food

What can you feed Chihuahuas?

Dog food. My chihuahua eats Bill Jac. Human food isn't good for them.

How do chihuahuas get food?

Well. . . their owners feed them. . . and poof! They eat! How hard is that to figure out?

When do pure breed chihuahUAS START eating dog food?

Talk to your vet.

Is there anything Chihuahuas shouldn't eat?

Yes no human food specially grapes and chocalate.