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Guido Larkin

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2mo ago

The bones in the fingers are called phalanges, consisting of three bones in each finger except for the thumb which has two. The bones in the toes are also phalanges, with three bones in each toe except for the big toe which has two.

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Q: What are bones in the fingers and toes?
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What is the phalanges bones common name?

Proximal and Distal

What are the smallest bones in fingers and toes?

The smallest bones in the fingers are the distal phalanges, while the smallest bones in the toes are the distal phalanges as well. These bones are located at the tips of the fingers and toes, closest to the nails.

Bones of the fingers and toes?


What is the medical term meaning smallest bones in fingers and toes?

The small bones of the fingers and toes are known as phalanges. A single bone is a phalanx.

What are your metatersals?

Your metatarsals are bones of your fingers and toes.

How do you call the bones of your fingers and toes?


What are fingers and toes composed of?

Fingers and toes are no doubt composed of cells and tissues.

Are your metacarpels toes of fingers?

Metacarpals are bones found in the hand, specifically in the palm. They are part of the skeletal structure that connects the wrist to the fingers. Toes are found on the feet and are made up of phalanges, which are similar to the bones found in fingers, but not the same as metacarpals.

What are the names of the bones in fingers and toes?

The bones in fingers are called phalanges, with three in each finger (proximal, middle, and distal). In toes, they are also called phalanges, with two in the big toe (proximal and distal) and three in the other toes (proximal, middle, and distal).

What bones make up of your toes and fingers?


What is the scientific name for fingers?

The scientific name for fingers are phalanges and toes are also called phalanges

Any bones of the fingers or toes are known as?

Fingers proper name is phalanges.