1. New England: Was the northermost colony. Had the states Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Conneticuit, and Rhode Island.
2. Mid-Atlantic: was the middle colony. Has the states New York, Pennslyvannia, New Jersey, and Deleware.
3. Southern: was the southernmost colony. Had the states Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia.
okay they differ in 3 ways
1.The New England was mostly hills with rocky soil no other colonies had.
2.There was more religious freedom in the Middle Colonies than in New England.
3.The climate of the Southern Colonies was the warmest climate of the three colonial regions
New England- Massachusets and Connecticut
Middle Colonies - New York and Pennsylvania
Southern Colonies - Virginia and South Carolina
Well the difference between the three colonial regions is.......
i dont no
New England, Middle, and South
new englan coloniest
what is a colonial region
The North-Western Territory, St Lawrence and "above the Great Lakes".
The Economies of the 3 colonial regions were different because they had different laws,different geographies,different cultures,and different religions
We have three colonial regions because the Middle Colonies used to be Dutch, until the English conquered them. England had developed the New England and Southern Colonies seperated by the Dutch Colonies (Middle Colonies) in between them. They sort of stayed seperate regions once the middle part of the East Coast became English territory.
New England