Here are synonyms for efficacy:
ability, adequacy, capability, capableness, capacity, competence, effect, effectiveness, efficaciousness, energy, force, influence, performance, potency, power, strength, success, sufficiency, use, vigour, virtue, weight
Another word is but
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Suggestion is another word for proposal answer: engagement?
another word for a mapmaker is a cartographer. :)
application, effectiveness, efficacy, efficiency, endurance
The root of the word efficacy is "efficac-" which comes from the Latin word "efficāx" meaning "effective" or "capable of producing a desired effect."
Efficacy is a noun that means "the ability to produce a desired or intended result." Therefore, an example of a sentence using the word efficacy is, "Chemotherapy has been shown to have an efficacy to stop cancerous cells from growing."
Efficacy is the ability to create a desired result. A sentence using this word would be, "The medicine worked as expected, proving the efficacy of the treatment."
Your Answer: Efficacy
political efficacy
Efficacy is the capacity to produce an effect. It is these conditions that distinguish efficacy from the related concept of effectiveness, which relates to change under real-life conditions. -- Wikipedia: "efficacy"
Efficacy means useful, or able to perform a task satisfactorily. An example sentence would be: She examined the efficacy of the new grading tool at the end of the school year and decided that, because of all the bugs, it was practically useless.
What type of feedback can damage Self-efficacy
The efficacy of the word of God refers to its power to bring about change and transformation in individuals' lives. Many people find strength, comfort, guidance, and inspiration in the teachings of their faith, leading to personal growth and spiritual development. Ultimately, the impact of the word of God varies from person to person based on their beliefs and interpretation.
The ISBN of Self-Efficacy - book - is 9780716728504.