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A perceptual region, sometimes referred to as a vernacular region, is a perceived rather than official view of an area, based on feelings and attitudes toward that region. Examples of perceptual regions would be Dixie, Midwest, The Outback and The South.

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10y ago
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Lvl 1
4y ago
this was exactly a day and 6 years ago and still helpful, thank you
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3mo ago

Examples of functional structures include a company organized into departments based on specialized functions such as marketing, finance, and operations. In this structure, employees within each department report to a functional manager who oversees their work. This type of structure is common in small to medium-sized organizations.

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Wiki User

10y ago
  • Major cities/metropolitan areas--system of roads and people
  • Linkage between large banks of major cities and the correspondent banks they formerly served in smaller towns
  • Newspaper/mail delivery system
  • Nationals "spheres of influence"
  • Territories within regional capitals (Chicago, Atlanta, Minneapolis)
  • Shopping mall, where customers come from and how they get there
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13y ago

I'm not fully sure if you are saying "regions" or if you mean to say "religions" but either way all of them are. Humans inhabit all of the Earth so all of the regions are "humans regions" and all religions are practiced only by man so they are "humans religions".

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Mekhi Robinson

Lvl 4
4y ago

The New York metropolitan area

For Apex :)

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10y ago

shopping center surrounded by neighborhoods is one example of a functional region.

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Lvl 2
3y ago

Dallas: apex

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Kian Bolo

Lvl 1
3y ago
this is correc
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Kian Bolo

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The state of Oregon

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The New York metropolitan area

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your anus

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S  .T  .F  .U  .
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Q: What are examples of functional structures?
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What is a vistigial structure?

A vestigial structure is a body part that has lost its original function through evolution. These structures are remnants of organs or features that were more functional in ancestral species but have become reduced or non-functional in the current species. Examples include the human appendix and the wings of flightless birds.

Are human beings appendix bird gizzards and lizards tails all examples of vestigial organs?

Yes, they are. Vestigial organs are remnants of structures that were functional in ancestral species but no longer serve a clear purpose in the organism. Examples include human appendix, bird gizzards, and lizard tails.

All what are examples of functional Annexes except for?

Examples of functional Annexes include direction and control, evacuation, mass care, warning, resource management, emergency public information, and many others.

Why are vestigal structures considered critical evidence of evolution?

Many species have vestigial structures, especially in the animal kingdom. Two good examples are the vestigial legs in whales and some snakes. This is clear evidence that whales and snakes are descended from creatures that had functional legs. This is strong evidence of evolution, since there is no other plausible explanation, religious or scientific, for vestigial structures.

Is ethane and methane examples of functional group?

Ethane and methane do not contain functional groups. They are simple hydrocarbons consisting of only carbon and hydrogen atoms bonded together. Functional groups are specific arrangements of atoms in organic molecules that determine their chemical properties.

Related questions

A human appendix and a skinks legs are examples of?

Vestigial structures, which are remnants of features that were functional in the ancestors of a particular species but are no longer functional in the current form.

Anatomical structures that appear to be derived from a functional structure in an ancestor but that currently do not serve an important function are called?

Vestigial structures. These are remnants of organs or body parts that have lost their original function through evolution. Examples include the human appendix and wisdom teeth.

What is a vistigial structure?

A vestigial structure is a body part that has lost its original function through evolution. These structures are remnants of organs or features that were more functional in ancestral species but have become reduced or non-functional in the current species. Examples include the human appendix and the wings of flightless birds.

What are examples of structural evidence of evolution?

Examples of structural evidence of evolution include homologous structures, which are similar in form and function but have different evolutionary origins, and vestigial structures, which are remnants of once-functional features that have no purpose in the current species. Another example is the fossil record, which shows transitional forms that demonstrate gradual changes in species over time.

What are the types of organisational structures?

Functional, product group & type of customer

What are some examples of prefabricated structures?

Prefabricated structures are structures that are pre-made in a factory and there is no assembly required. Some examples would be a car or scooter.

Structures of the biomolecule called prostacyclin?

biomolecule called prostacyclin? what is the functional group?

What are examples of functional annexes?

NOT Hazardous Materials Response

Examples of globular functional proteins?


Characteristics of traditional and contemporary organisational structures?

There are many different characteristics of traditional and contemporary organization structures. Contemporary structures are typically visually pleasing and traditional structures are usually more functional.

Are human beings appendix bird gizzards and lizards tails all examples of vestigial organs?

Yes, they are. Vestigial organs are remnants of structures that were functional in ancestral species but no longer serve a clear purpose in the organism. Examples include human appendix, bird gizzards, and lizard tails.

What is the hind leg bones shown in the whale are examples of?

They are examples of vestigial structures: structures that appear to be useless but once most probably had a function