there is more than one animal with multiple hearts, but the first thing that would bounce into my head is the ever-so-jumpy Frog. it has something called Lymph hearts, as well as a normal blood pumping heart.
another animal with multiple hearts would be the Octopus, they have one main heart, called the systemic heart, and two smaller hearts located near their gills. The two smaller hearts perform the same task as the right side of the human heart.
The list goes on..but I think you get the point :)
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Cephalopods have one central
systemic heart and two branchial hearts,
which are clearly shown after injection
with acrylic paint.
Other examples of multiple hearts
include the oyster, Ostea gigas4 with one
systemic and two accessory hearts, the
latter has a diameter of 1 mm during
systole, and 5 mm in diastole. The
earthworm, Phylum oligarch's, have
two aoratae and multiple hearts
arranged by segments. The haggish,
Myxine glutnosa, has five hearts.5 There
is a three-chambered systemic heart,
two accessory, one portal, and one
caudal heart.
Keep on invading randomly until you get 3 "rusty fragments". Then click on them and they will piece together a mausoleum key. Once unlocked, you will be able to store 9 zombies until you upgrade it (which costs 3 additional brains). Level 32 Zombie Farmer.
Factors of 9 are 1, 3, and 9; factors of 12 are 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 12. There are only two common factors of 9 and 12: 1 and 3.
Porcupine would be one such.
Crocodile, guinea-pig, armadillo, butterfly
Well depending on the age I personally don't think any kid 9 or under should. The animal also kind of matters.
?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? i dont know but A worm has 9 hearts???????????????????????????????
like humans octopus only have one brain
Daria - 1997 Jake of Hearts 3-9 was released on: USA: 21 July 1999
No Octopus. Do. Not. Have. 9. brains
Mystery Diners - 2011 Crazy Hearts 3-9 was released on: USA: 14 June 2013
Hearts Afire - 1992 The Perfect Christmas 3-9 was released on: USA: 10 December 1994
Sea Rescue - 2012 Hard Shells Warm Hearts 3-9 was released on: USA: 25 January 2014
The Insiders - 1985 Lonely Hearts 1-3 was released on: USA: 9 October 1985
WordGirl - 2007 The Straw That Broke Two Brains' Back Nocan the Evil Ingredient Finding Guy 3-9 was released on: USA: 1 April 2011
Who's on Deck - 2011 Animal 3-9 was released on: USA: 8 October 2013
Animal Cops Detroit - 2002 3-9 was released on: USA: 28 April 2005