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Deer, perhaps most especially the Cerynitian Hind; Boar, Bear, Fresh water fish; guinea-fowl, partridge, quail, and buzzard hawk.

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Q: What animals are sacred to Artemis?
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Related questions

What is the Greek god Artemis' animal?

There are many animals related to Artemis, deer were the only animals held sacred to Artemis herself.

What was the goddess Artemis' sacred animal?

Her sacred animals are stags, bears, and falcons.

What tree is sacred to Artemis?

The goddess Artemis' sacred tree is the cypress tree.

What was Artemis symbolized?

The sacred animals of Artemis are deer/hind, boar, bear, fresh water fish, guinea-fowl, partridge, quail, and buzzard hawk.

What is the Greek goddess Artemis's character traits?

Artemis was very possessive and protective she would show her wrath on anyone who did anhything she didn't want especialy if it had todo with her sacred animals

Why was the dog sacred to Artemis?

Dogs were sacred to Artemis because of their use in hunting, which was a part of her aspect as a divinity. Pan gave Artemis her first hunting hounds.

Why was Artemis angry at the Greek army?

The goddess Artemis was punishing Agamemnon for killing either a sacred deer or a deer in a sacred grove.

What Greek Gods have sacred objects?

Pretty much all of them. However, they mostly had sacred animals. Examples: Hera: Peacock and cow. Hestia: hearth and donkey. Artemis: Deer and bow and arrow.

Why was the stag sacred to Artemis?

The stag is a forest animal, and Artemis was the goddess of forests and wildlife.

What is Artemis's sacred tree?

The goddess Artemis' sacred tree is the cypress tree.

Why is the temple of Artemis sacred?

Because it was a temple of a goddess.

What things are sacred to Artemis?

The deer and the cypress tree.