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Q: What animal is the fastest a gorilla or tiger?
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Who would win a gorilla or a tiger?

gorilla little vs tiger , tiger wins , big gorilla vs tiger , gorilla wins

Who wins a fight tiger or gorilla?

Gorilla is not an easy rival for any wild animal, so you can not find film or story about hunting gorilla, only very few narrations. Gorilla has more chance to win vs tiger.

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What is the fastest tiger in the world?

I'm not too sure about tiger's, but I am pretty sure that the cheeta is the fastest cat in the world. It can run around 90 clicks....I think. Regardless I think that the heeta is the fastest.

What one is stronger gorilla or tiger?


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elephant, lion, tiger, gorilla

Predatory insect cicindelinae fastest running land animal?

Tiger beetle

Who wins if a Gorilla and Tiger Fights?

A tiger has the good hunting skills of killing animals larger than their size with their own strength and weight to bring down the animal. Since gorillas do not punch, they only throw stones or sticks at enemies or charge them off. If the gorilla managed to charge at the tiger, the tiger would charge back and use its weight to bring down the gorilla. However, if the gorilla threw a lot of stones or sticks at the tiger, it might have a chance to win the fight.

What is faster a lion or a tiger or a jaguar or a leopard or a?

The cheetah is the fastest land animal on earth.

What is a strong and fast animal?

the fastest and stronggest animal is lion tiger leopard jaguar shark killer whale and eagle

What is the fastest animal lion or tiger?

A lion is faster and can run 50mph whereas a tiger can run 35mph

What are the fastest animals?

The peregrine falcon is the fastest animal in the world, whereas the cheetah is the fastest land animal. the tiger beetle is the fastest animal for its size (5-7mph), if it was the size of a human it could reach speeds of 300 mph, this question has been asked at least 6 times it is seven now