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That would be a red dragon passant* on a green and white field. *walking towards the viewers left, with the right forepaw raised and all others on the ground.

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The country is spelt "Wales" and it is a dragon.

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I am pretty sure it's a dragon.

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Q: What creature is on the national flag of Wales?
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When did Wales first have a national flag?

Wales first got their national flag when Luke Grange Sucked his Dad off and gave him anal.

What shape is on the end of both the tongue and the tail of the dragon on the national flag of Wales?

The shape is of an arrowhead for the flag of Wales

What is the national animal of Wales?

dragon The Red Dragon is the symbol of Wales and appears on the flag.

Why is there a dragon on the national flag of walesWhy is there a dragon on the national flag of wales?

The dragon he red dragon was included to show support to the Tudor family and signify their welsh descent.

Why has the Welsh flag got nothing to do with the UK one?

The national flag of the United Kingdom. Wales had no explicit recognition in the flag because Wales had been annexed by Edward I of England in 1282 and, from 1542 was part of the Kingdom of England when the flag of Great Britain was designed in 1606.

What flag has a red dragon and a yellow background?

The answer is not a national flag. There are only 2 national flags depicting a dragon: Bhutan - white dragon on a yellow and orange background and, Wales - red drangon on white and green background.

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Yes, Flag of Sri Lanka has a lion with a sword to to symbolize the natives decend from lion blood as believed.

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What National flowers of Wales?

The national flower of Wales is the daffodil.

Which country has dragon as its symbol?

The Welsh flag and the Bhutan Flag Also the Maltese flag

Why is Wales not represent on the flang?

Wales is not represented on the Union Jack because at the time the flag was adopted in the late 17th Century, Wales was officially classed as a part of England. Unofficially, everybody knew that it wasn't and the Welsh themselves CERTAINLY didn't regard themselves as English, but nonetheless it had no official status as a seperate country and it's national flag was not considered worth incorporating into the Union Jack. Within the past 10 years there have been suggestions to get the Red Dragon put into the Union Jack, but nowadays few people in Wales would WANT that- Wales is now a devolved nation, and most Welsh folk owe their alliegance more to their national flag than to that of the UK. The Union Jack is often resented when flown in wales as being the flag of the occupying power.

Which of these does not have the union jack on this flag?
