1944 (Gregorian) was 4580 in the Chinese calendar
The year 2007 was the year of the Boar/Pig on the Chinese calendar.
The animal that represents the year 1948 in the Chinese calendar is the Rat.
1995 is the Year of the Pig in the Chinese zodiac calendar.
1944 (Gregorian) was 4580 in the Chinese calendar
1983 was the Year of the Pig in the Chinese Calendar.
The year 2007 was the year of the Boar/Pig on the Chinese calendar.
The animal that represents the year 1948 in the Chinese calendar is the Rat.
1995 is the Year of the Pig in the Chinese zodiac calendar.
1985 was the Year of the Ox
The animal that represented the Chinese New Year in 1972 was the rat.
The animal that represented the Chinese New Year in 1978 was the horse.
It will take 12 years for an animal symbol to repeat in the Chinese zodiac calendar, as there are 12 animals in the zodiac cycle.