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wombats, carpender ants, and the rare foliage dieted bear of the Netherlands

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termite,and woodpeckers which don't eat it though.

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Q: What animal eats oak trees?
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What eats or preys on oak trees?

Alot of insects

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What animal eats red oak?

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What animal eats red oak in estuaries?

Geldi species

What animal eats mango trees?

The animal that eats mango trees is a cockatoo. They are also said to eat the mango fruit off the tree.

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What is the ecology of an animal?

An ecological niche is where the animal or plant lives and what it does. It's the "profession" or "job" of the animal or plant. For example, oak trees live in oak woodlands; that's common sense. The oak woodland is the habitat. So if Odium was writing a letter to an oak tree he would address the letter to: Sir Deciduous Oak Tree, The Oak Forest, England, UK What do oak trees do? If you can answer that question you know the oak trees "profession" or its ecological niche. Perhaps you think that oak trees just stand there looking pretty and not doing very much, but think about it. *

What living thing eats oak trees?

none of your buisness figure it out on your own dums

What is the genetic code for an oak tree?

The genetic code for an oak tree is more similar to other trees then to an animal.

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