The rivers allowed irrigation which helped them grow crops. This helped civilizations grow. Other civilizations including Alexander the Great, Romans, and Persians developed better armies to destroy these civilizations.
They created the wheeled vehicles,potter wheel, and the first writing system call the pictograph.
The Sumerians built strong armies and built strong, thick walls around their city for protection. Have a good day or life :D
Cities of Sumer and Akkad were defeated and captured and some occupied or recolonised.
Ancient Sumerians had many jobs inSumer, the first civilization. Some occupations were Potters, Stone Carvers, Brick makers, Goldsmiths, Farmers, Fishermen, Shepherds, Weavers, Leather dealers, Accountants, Merchants, Kings, Priests, Carpenters, Judges, Scribes, Architects, Armies, Commanders, Bakers, Basket makers, Butchers, Chariot drivers, Cooks, Harpists, Horse trainers, Musicians, Perfume makers, Doctors, Royal bodyguards, Singers, Tax collectors, and Veterinarians.
Their opposition infantry was wisely protected by their own chariots.
Chariots did not exist in medieval times. They were a feature of certain cultures in ancient times, but were not used anywhere in Europe after the fall of the Roman Empire. The ancient Romans had used chariots only for racing and in occasional triumphal processions in Rome; the archaic Greeks had used chariots in warfare, but they became replaced by horsed cavalry in classical times; the ancient Persians continued to use chariots in battle for many hundreds of years. The ancient Egyptians learned the art of building and using chariots from the Hyksos who invaded Egypt; chariots were also used by the Sumerians, Babylonians, Hittites and Assyrians. In Britain, the Romans were surprised to find the native ancient Britons using light war chariots when they arrived (twice) to conquer the islands, since Celts in other parts of Europe had long since changed over to horse cavalry. By medieval times, battles were fought between armies composed entirely of men on foot (infantry) and mounted armoured knights and serjants (cavalry) - absolutely no chariots.
They lacked the determination of the NVA. It is possible that maybe "attacking armies" might be inherently imbued with more determination than defending armies.
The Sumerians built strong armies and built strong, thick walls around their city for protection. Have a good day or life :D
The Sumerians built strong armies and built strong, thick walls around their city for protection. Have a good day or life :D
The Sumerians built strong armies and built strong, thick walls around their city for protection. Have a good day or life :D
The Sumerians built strong armies and built strong, thick walls around their city for protection. Have a good day or life :D
The Sumerians built strong armies and built strong, thick walls around their city for protection. Have a good day or life :D
The Confederate armies were better supplied than had seemed possible in 1861.
The rivers allowed irrigation which helped them grow crops. This helped civilizations grow. Other civilizations including Alexander the Great, Romans, and Persians developed better armies to destroy these civilizations.
All battles are battles of armies.