Usually to check for broken bones or bone malformations.
Xray tubes create xrays used for emitting xray radiation, most commonly used for medical imaging.
It will depend on who says it, but often "plain x-ray" or "plain film" images are used to describe procedures using xray excluding things like CT or Fluoroscopy. If a single images is taken it will usually be considered "plain".
it ia an abnormality on xray in the lungs,,usually pneumonia
It depends on where your from, but it usually takes about 2-3 years
You get an xray taken at a hosbital and it is used to see if you have a fractured or broken bone
Xrays are 'les rayons X' (used in the plural) in French.
when taking a dental xray how do u make it appear on the xray more darker in color?
Dual-energy Xray Absorptiometry is used to measure bone density to detect Osteoporosis.
An x-ray is used as a non-invasive way to visualize the inside of your body.