The flight time from Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) in the United States to Kahului Airport (OGG) in Hawaii is approximately 5 hours and 9 minutes. The exact travel time will vary as it depends on factors such as weather conditions, flight speed, refuelling stops and delays. Your airline can provide additional information.
Aloha: Don't know in terms of miles, but it is a 2 hour flight from PHX to LAX, then 5hrs and 43mns from LAX to OGG (Maui).
Los Angeles, CA (LAX) to Kahului, HI (OGG)Flight Duration 5 hours 30 mins
Air miles between Los Angeles International Airport LAX, California to Kahului Airport OGG, Maui, Hawaii total 2,484. That is 3,998 kilometers. That is 2,159 nautical miles.
traveling from OGG,LAX,LHR,FRA,TSE 10,995 miles
ogg gg ogg ogg
Jimmy Ogg's birth name is James Ritchie Ogg.
Odd Ogg was created in 1962.
Nanny Ogg was created in 1988.
Andrew Ogg was born in 1934.
Alan Ogg died in 2009.