Most states follow the Federal guidelines for Airsoft - You must be 18 or over to purchase and own an Airsoft gun. Persons under the age of 18 can only own an airsoft gun with parental consent.
18 To by them 11 Up to fire them,
there is no age that you have to be to play airsoft I've seen kids as young as 5 playing. EDIT: There is no legal age limit on using an air-soft gun but you do have to be 18 years of age or older to buy one from a store.
18 and above.
No its not illegal you just cant carry your airsoft gun around
No but their is an airsoft store in Tulsa which is about an hour away if u want hands on and don't want to buy online
You must be at least 18 and have with you an ID that proves your age.
An Airsoft Cannon? You mean Gun? At your age maybe. You get used to it. Also, It depends on the Joules of the BBs.
For and airsoft gun. Yes that is 200 fps over the CQB limit
That is the age the law in your home state set.
There is no restriction on age for a sight in the USA.
An Airsoft gun
Most states follow the Federal guidelines for Airsoft ownership. According to Federal law you must be 18 years or older to purhase and own an Airsoft gun in any state. Persons under the age of can purchase and own an Airsoft gun only with parental consent.