Most preschools have a minimum age requirement of 4 years old
Pre-school is not statutory school. These schools educate children for admission to compulsory schools. The normal age for preschool is between 3 and 5.
Students are required to start primary school at age 6, but secondary schooling in Malawi is under developed and optional.
five-day program offered to students aged 11-18.
what age? "robot" is a VERY generic term. they can range from Lego mindstorms (great for students around age 8) to robotic arms (great for students around age 19). likely you're looking for something like this:
Age does make a difference initially. Cohorts of students, that is students who are in the same grade, are identified on the basis of age, especially in the lower grades. Each age group has a different grade level, with kindergarteners being five years old, for example.
Most often, students typically graduate at the age of eighteen. However, there are exceptions. For example, if a student fails a grade, they may graduate at age 19. Likewise, if someone skips a grade they will probably graduate at 17.
Looking in your local Yellow Pages for preschools in your area is one way of finding the appropriate school for your child, or doing a search on the internet for schools in your area is also a very reliable source.
well they can be any age but the well most known age is 23 years of age.
There isn't necessarily a required age for graduating. Some students will be 17, if they have a summer birthday or if they started school early. Most students graduate at the age of 18. It's uncommon, but not impossible, for a 16 year old to graduate early from high school if they obtained their credits early or were smart enough to take advanced classes with older students.
Most drama schools only accept students over the age of eighteen. To get into a drama school, you don't have to have been acting since you were a child but experience will help and is usually required - even if it's just at school or in amatuer theatre groups.